
How to make it

  • In a large skillet heat 2 tablespoons of oil, add minced garlic (reserve one clove) and diced apples (reserve about 1/4 an apple). Saute until apples are almost cooked through.
  • Add sage, season with salt & pepper
  • Add butter & 1 cup of chicken stock, mix well and then add breadcrumbs to make stuffing. Remove from pan.
  • Slice porkchops almost all the way through and stuff with stuffing. Season with salt and pepper
  • Saute about 4 to 6 minutes on each side until golden brown
  • Transfer to a large baking pan, placing chops around the outside of the pan and placing any leftover stuffing in the middle.
  • Bake at 350 for about 5 to 10 minutes, until pork is cooked.
  • In the skillet, saute the remaining minced garlic and diced apples, add last cup of chicken stock and thicken with corn starch. Season if needed with salt and pepper.
  • Serve porkchop with extra stuffing, covering both with garvy.

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