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How to make it

  • 1. Adjust the oven rack to the lower-middle position and heat the oven to 300 degrees. Trim the thick skin and excess fat from the meat and cut along the muscles to divide the roast into large pieces of various sizes; reserve the bones. Season the meat generously with salt and pepper to taste.
  • 2. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof Dutch oven over medium heat until shimmering. Add the onions and ¼ teaspoon salt. Cook, stirring frequently, until the onions have softened, about 4 minutes. Stir in the garlic and cook until fragrant, about 30 seconds.
  • 3. Add the meat and bones and stir often until it is no longer pink on the outside, about 8 minutes. Add the tomatoes, oregano, broth, and ½ teaspoon salt. Increase the heat to medium-high and bring to a simmer. With a large spoon, skim off any scum. Cover the pot, and place it in the oven. Cook until the meat is very tender, about 2 hours.
  • 4. Meanwhile, remove the stem and seeds from the ancho chiles; soak the chiles in a medium bowl with 1½ cups boiling water until soft, about 20 minutes. Puree the chiles and soaking liquid in a blender until smooth. Pour the puree through a strainer into a bowl and reserve ¼ cup of the pureed anchos for garnish.
  • 5. Remove the pot from the oven and remove the meat and bones to a cutting board. Stir in the hominy and the remaining ¾ cup ancho chile puree. Cover and bring the stew to a simmer on top of the stove over medium-low heat. Cook until the hominy is hot and the flavors meld, about 30 minutes.
  • 6. When the meat is cool, shred it using your fingers or the tines of 2 forks; discard the bones. Stir the shredded meat into the stew. If serving immediately, spoon off any fat that rises to the top and then simmer until the meat is hot, about 10 minutes. (The stew can be covered and refrigerated for up to 3 days. Spoon off the hardened fat and bring back to a simmer over medium-low heat.) Adjust the seasonings. Ladle the stew into individual bowls and serve immediately with the garnishes.

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