
How to make it

  • Soften yeast in water. Add milk, sugar, salt, shortening, eggs, nutmeg and peanut butter. Beat well. Add flour to make a dough barely stiff enough to be kneaded. Knead until smooth on lightly floured board. Cover and let rise until double in bulk; work down. Form into rolls. Place on well-oiled baking sheet. Cover and let rise until treble (triple) in bulk. Bake in hot oven (450) about 15 minutes.

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  • 22566 14 years ago
    Jimimy Christmas!
    Itty bitty peanut butter treats with an attitude (yeast)...Yeah!
    ~ Big Grin ~
    Lived on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches when in school.
    Like your recipe.
    Kind Regards
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