
How to make it

  • Preheat the oven to the temp you would for your cake recipe.
  • Mix up your favorite cake batter, we love chocolate.
  • Take the ice cream cones and use them like cup cake papers,
  • only these are edible.
  • Fill them about 2/3 full.
  • Set each one into the cupcake hole in the cupcake pan.
  • Bake until done, they are checked just like any cupcake.
  • Remove from oven and allow to cool completely.
  • -
  • Now it is time to frost, you will understand why my Mom used
  • 7 minute frosting.
  • Take one of the cone cakes and dip it top down into the
  • frosting, twirling it as you remove it to make it look like
  • ice cream.
  • Sprinkle with sprinkles if you like.
  • Serve.
  • These are great for Birthdays and school functions.
  • NO messy papers to clean up, just the kids, and they were
  • going to get messy anyway!

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