
How to make it

  • Cookies
  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees
  • Cream together sugar, margarine, eggs, and milk until well combined.
  • Add flour, salt, and baking powder until just combined
  • Liberally flour a work surface and rolling pin. Roll out about ¼ of the dough at a time to ⅜ inch thickness. Cut with cookie cutters and place on a very lightly greased cookie sheet.
  • Cook for about 10 minutes, Until cookies, are just done, and remove from pan immediately.
  • Frost when completely cooled.
  • Tips
  • 1 – Don’t roll the dough out too thin! If you want nice, soft, puffy cookies, your dough needs to be around 3/8th of an inch thick once rolled out (and yes, I do sometimes grab a ruler and measure until I get a feel for it).
  • 2 – Don’t overbake! Cookies should not be brown AT ALL. Not even a little (see photos below) or they’ll end up crunchy. Plan to stick around while the first tray of cookies is baking and keep a close eye on them to see how long they’ll need in your oven. When done they’ll be nice and puffed and firm enough to come off the cookie sheet pretty easily – they won’t be gooey – but even the bottoms will still be white (photos below).
  • 3 – You will need flour to roll these out, especially the right at first. Go ahead and dump some flour on your work surface, then scoop out some dough, then put more flour on top. As you continue to cut cookies and roll out more dough, some of the flour will get mixed in and you won’t need to add as much each time.
  • Frosting
  • Place butter in a medium-sized bowl and beat until creamy. Gradually add powdered sugar until combined. Stir in vanilla extract and salt.
  • Add food coloring and stir until even in color.
  • Use a spatula to spread the frosting evenly over cooled cookies. Decorate with sprinkles. Store cookies in an airtight container.

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