Linking to your recipes

  • labradors 11 years ago
    Welcome to the CAH Forum recipe group.

    Once you have entered a recipe, here, please remember to go to the lower-right part of the recipe page to select the CAH Forum group and add your recipe to the group. If you don't do this, your recipe will still be available, but it won't be included together with the rest of group's recipes. When a moderator sees the request to add the recipe to the group, he or she will approve it and it will be a part of the group.

    The official forum for Cuisine at Home magazine is at

    To put a link to your recipe into a forum message, just copy the URL from your browser's address bar and paste it into the message. If you would like to be a little neater by having the link show just the title of your recipe, instead of the whole URL, then do the following at the point in your message where you wish the link to appear:

    1: Type "[url=" (without the quote marks).
    2: Paste your link after the equals sign.
    3: Type "]" (without the quote marks).
    4: Type the name of your recipe (or any other appropriate text).
    5: Type "[/url]" (without the quote marks).
    6: Continue the rest of your message as you normally would.

    Good luck. We look forward to seeing the wonderful dishes you are cooking.
  • DFen911 11 years ago said:
    Thanks Labs! I think this may be much more organized than the regular forums. Might want to post this site on the C@H Facebook page for those users there still not on the forums :)
  • labradors 11 years ago said:
    Maybe someone who uses Facebook could do that. I just never got interested in Facebook and don't even like the way it works,so I cannot post messages there. Thanks.
  • champagnetime 11 years ago said:
    Good idea Denise - go for it!
  • DFen911 11 years ago said:
    I'm on it!

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