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Non-alcoholic fruit cocktail

  • vvskgn 16 years ago

    * 2 cups Grape Juice (White)
    * 1 1/2 cups freshly squeezed Lemon Juice
    * 1 bottle Ginger Ale
    * 1 cup Pineapple Juice
    * 1 cup Mango juice
    * 2 mashed super ripe bananas
    * 1/4 cup finely chopped mint
    * 1 pkt washed and drained rasberries
    * 1 qrt plain soda
    * 1/4 cup sugar syrup-(boiled & cooled syrup 1:1 ratio of sugar & water)


    1. Instructions
    2. Mix the fruit juices and chill for a few hours. When thoroughly chilled, pour in a punch bowl and put some beautiful shaped ice cubes on top. Garnish with mint sprigs
    3. Stir & serve in punch cups.


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