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My disaster

  • shepherdrescue 15 years ago
    We were having an awards meeting at my office several months ago and I made a cake, in an extra large bundt pan that was new. The recipe was untried as well. You can see where this is headed right? I tested the cake several times in several different places and the tester came out clean. I was actually worried that the cake would be dry. When I took it out of the pan, the center was somewhat gooey. But it had tested done, right, so not to worry.
    At work, as I cut the cake, with 25 people standing around in anticipation, I realized that somehow, while the center of the cake was done, parts of the cake that were closest to the tube part of the pan were intermittently, still somewhat unbaked. Amazingly, everyone thought it was supposed to be that way and ate every crumb. I couldn't believe it! No one got sick thankfully and I had a lot of requests for the recipe. I never shared it and won't ever make that cake again!
  • jett2whit 15 years ago said:
    Sounds like my co-workers..........they'll eat anything. All that worrying for nothing. Did you tell them it was a Gooey Cake? !! Thanks for sharing your story.
  • ahmed1 15 years ago said:
    That was really funny and it happened to me once in my first practicing...We still have that great solution...THE CAKE SHOULD BE GOOEY AND MOIST!!! loll
    Just use a skewer and check many parts, not only the center of the cake. Follow the recipe strictly and use the right rack in the oven, bottom,middle or upper part. Always be aware that all oven vary in term of temperature.
    Thanks for sharing.

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