What's your favorite Southern food. :)

  • coffeebean53 16 years ago
    So much to choose from. When my Dad was stationed at Keesler AFB in Biloxi MS I got a full dose of Southern cooking in the school lunch program and I've loved it ever since.

    I would have to say any type of seafood Po'Boy followed closely by Red Beans and Rice.
  • chefjeb 16 years ago said:
    Your school lunches today in Mississippi are very different than when you were here. The State Department of Education this year (at the urging of the Legislature) is installing steamers and replacing fryers. No more fryers can be purchased...ever. and fruits are being offered instead of sweets. Veggies are being steamed -- cooked without fats..not Southern style. And kids are now required to have PE at all grade levels. No more fried okra.
  • ncgal 16 years ago said:
    So many to choose from I would have to say a good pot of collards (any mixed greens) and grits - I love grits!
  • momo_55grandma 16 years ago said:
    this is another one of my weakness I love southern food the older the recipe the better momo_55grandma
  • tanille1975 15 years ago said:
    My favorite food is definitely my fried green tomatoes. Nothing better to me.
  • kimbaby 15 years ago said:
    chicken and dumplings
    fried okra
    I luv all southern dishes but there is nothing like some good ole fashioned sothern fry bread!

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