
How to make it

  • First peel and cut into quarters 6 medium potatoes
  • Put them on boil.
  • In a frying pan add
  • 1tsp butter 1/4 minced onion and 1 clove of minced garlic, 1 tsp sea salt and some cracked pepper. Saute onions and garlic until carmelized add a tbs of water so it don’t completely stick to pan the add your meat or mushrooms ( this works well with any thin cuts of meat or a large portabello mushroom cap) meat must be no thicker than an inch. put a lid on the pan and cook for 3 minutes.
  • During that 3 minutes steam 2 cups of your favorite frozen veggie medely and drain your potatoes.
  • Mash cooked potatoes with a tbs of butter and 1/8C milk (or rice milk) wisk until creamy.
  • Turn your meat over… the pan should be well carmelized but not burned and add 3/4 cup of water wisking with a fork to remove all caramel from the pan. In a jam jar add 1 heaping Tbs of flour a pinch of savory and 1/8c water…shake shake shake until there are no lumps…swiftly add this to the pan stiring constantly until gravy has thickened and add savory.
  • Serve and enjoy.

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