
How to make it

  • How to? (Going in order is best)
  • • Prepare the crepe mix (all ingredients in section 1) using a whisk preferred. Once smooth, put it in the refrigerator
  • • Prepare the Banana Sun Crème in a blender (all items in section 2). Blend very well until smooth. Add any flavor u like such as cinnamon or nutmeg etc. Once smooth and creamy, put it in the refrigerator.
  • • Prepare the fruit salad. Leave 4 small strawberries for deco. Cut the pineapple and strawberries. DO NOT CUT THE BANANA yet, It will become brown. Put the blueberries, pineapple and strawberries in a bowl and refrigerate
  • • Heat a pan with oiled a bit to make it non stick. Mix the crepe mix and make one small crepe just to get used to lift and flipping before making the other ones. Remember, crepes are almost like omelets thin, so handle very gently. Have the flame on low. Now that you are used to it, make 2 plate size crepes and 2 a bit smaller. (this gives a beautiful visual) Keep the crepes warm in the oven (on the lowest heat possible) until all are done.
  • • Place the larger crepe on the plates, top with the fruit salad and add fresh cut banana slices on top.
  • • Mix the banana Sun crème and gently decorate the fruit salad with it (leaving some on the side for décor.
  • • Place the smaller crepe on top and decorate as you wish. I did 2 strawberries, 3 pineapple triangles, one blueberry and sunflower seeds sprinkled on top
  • • I served this with alternative coffee made from barley :)
  • Viola! ♥
  • Bon Appétit :)
  • We didn't do a video of this, but if it's something that is a must, please let us know :)

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