Coconut Fudge
From sudha04 13 years agoIngredients
- 2 cups fresh/frozen grated coconut shopping list
- 1 cup sugar shopping list
- 1 cup milk shopping list
- 2 tsp ghee shopping list
- 2-3 drops red food color(optional) shopping list
- 2-3 pinch cardamom powder shopping list
- 2 tsp rose water shopping list
- 2 drops vanilla essence(optional) shopping list
How to make it
- Coarsely powder coconut in a food processor.
- Heat ghee in a nonstick pan, add milk coconut and sugar and mix well.
- Heat the mixture in a medium heat and stir frequently till the mixture starts to leave the pan.
- Now add rose water, color , essence and cardamom powder and stir for about 5 minutes.
- Grease a flat plate. pour the coconut fudge on the plate and spread it evenly.
- Allow it to cool down. When the fudge becomes hard cut it into small squares and serve.
People Who Like This Dish 2
- ndulj NashVegas, TN
- mbeards2 Omaha, NE
- sudha04 Sunnyvale, CA
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