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  • WAY easier than trying to peel the thing off in one piece. Have you ever tried to peel a green plantain? They're super glued on by Nature herself.
    by chefmal
  • They should be about this big, but not much bigger. They're a side dish, and you don't want them taking up most of the pan. Besides..... if they're small, you can eat more of them. =D
    by chefmal
  • They don't have to brown the first time they cook, just enough to squish easier.
    by chefmal
  • *Plays theme from Jaws*
    by chefmal
  • This was actually too flat. You wanna leave them with a little bit of thickness to them; they're better that way. But the flatter edges brown better so really, either way you can't lose.
    by chefmal
  • Yummeh!
    by chefmal
  • This is about the point where we got excited to eat them. They smelled so good! And they tasted even better.
    by chefmal