
How to make it

  • Empty salmon, after draining off all of the water, into a mixing bowl and mash it very fine, i use a spatula to dice it in several directions. Really try to get the water out first so that its not runny. Mash it until its pretty smooth and all of the bones and skin, etc are no longer discernible. It should be somewhat of a paste in consistency.
  • Beat the egg and and oats and mix them in well into the salmon.
  • Chop the bunch of green onions finely and stop at the very green stalk part at the top, use that part of the onion stalk as garnish or in something else.
  • Mix in the chopped green onions and remaining ingredients and stir thoroughly.
  • The mixture should not be watery, but moist. You should be able to form patties and make them about 1/3 of an inch thick and about 2 1/2 to 3 inches in diameter. Fry in a little olive oil, about 5-7 minutes on each side on medium- high heat until you can flip them easily and they are brown on each side. they should not dry out when you cook them, cook just enough to be able to flip them, and they have a nice brown crust , etc. I use a cast iron skillet. Use just enough oil when frying to keep them from sticking, not a whole lot. You can fry them in any oil you prefer really, i just like olive oil. They should not need to be drained before serving.
  • Serve with your favorite fish topping, like dill sauce, lemon wedges, ketchup, tarter, etc, but i found them so good they didn't need any sauce at all. You can use your green onion tops, chopped, as a garnish. These remind me a little of the conch fritters we used to get in the Bahamas when I was a child. Im sure that one could use minced green pepper or sweet red pepper in these to bump that carribean taste up even more.
  • Serves 3-4 people

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