
How to make it

  • Bring the milk to the boil and season to taste.
  • Then reduce to a simmer, add the lemon juice and stir.
  • The milk will start to separate into curds and whey. The whey will go a most interesting shade of yellow.
  • When it's clear (and very yellow) strain the curds in muslin (or a sieve will do) and let it drain for at least six hours.
  • Then gently shape it into a pat, weight it down with something and leave for another six hours or so.
  • Done!
  • RECIPE: You can turn this into yummy paneer kebabs, dropping cubes of paneer into a marinade made of greek yoghurt (full-fat works best), tomato puree, turmeric, ground coriander (cilantro seed), ground cumin, chilli powder, crushed garlic and seasoning to taste. Leave for a couple of hours, then thread the paneer on skewers (you can add cherry tomatoes, button mushrooms, cubes of red, green or yellow pepper (capsicum) if you like, then bake in the oven for twenty minutes or so (a good recipe for the barby too). Excellent with pita bread.

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    " It was excellent "
    juliecake ate it and said...
    Very interesting. My aunt is Welsh, my mother British and father Norwegian with a little Irish and Scottish thrown in for good measure. Thanks for the recipe!
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