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How to make it

  • Start by prepping the duck. Take a sharp knife and "score" the fat side of the duck breast in a crisscross pattern. Be careful not to cut too deep, you don't want to cut into the meat. Sprinkle with a little salt and pepper.
  • Heat a pan over a medium flame. Place the duck breast in fat-side down. Cook for about 6 minutes to render off the fat
  • Flip the duck breast and sear the other side for about a minute.
  • Remove the duck breast and place on a baking sheet/tray fat-side down. Preheat your over to 400 degrees, and cook for 7-9 minutes, depending on how thick your breast is
  • While that's cooking, you can begin working on your sauce. Take 1/2 of a jar of Bing Cherry preserves and mix it with two tablespoons of red wine vinegar. If you don't hvae red wine vinegar, you can substitute with 2 tablespoons of ANY vinegar you have on hand, or maybe some cooked ACTUAL red wine, or even tap water. Stir.
  • Remove the duck from the oven and let it "rest" for a couple minutes before slicing. Th-th-th-that's all, folks!

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