
How to make it

  • Chop up the onions and the brocolli, any size will do.
  • Slightly saute the onions in a thumb of butter, and add the brocolli and frozen peas when these are glazed.
  • Add enough vegetable stock to just about cover the veg.
  • Now let this simmer for about 20 minutes, till the brocolli is very soft.
  • Liquidize the ingredients in the pan, add a good bit of cream and a full bunch of fresh mint.
  • Add lots of cracked black pepper and some salt to taste.
  • It is lovely served with toasted baguette and brie.

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    " It was excellent "
    dizzzykipper ate it and said...
    I have tons of mint in my garden.This sounds like a good way to keep it under control.Thanks for the yummy recipe.I love soup.
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag
  • moggy 15 years ago
    sound good i will give it a try thanks
    Was this review helpful? Yes Flag

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