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  • jayashiangel 15 years ago
    Hi everyone!!!!!!
  • jayashiangel 15 years ago said:
    I am crazy that is for sure. I may not be smart or pretty but I can sure keep my self busy with things:) I love to cook maybe not so much anymore but I have a large recipe collection.
    I love to read things about just about everything no-guy related no sports, no games, no guns, no rude behaviors etc..
    I am just me..Creative, thoughtful and try to remember that I am here for a reason and I will carry that to the end. I am here to make people think out side the box or norm:)
  • jayashiangel 15 years ago said:
    I am crazy that is for sure. I may not be smart or pretty but I can sure keep my self busy with things:) I love to cook maybe not so much anymore but I have a large recipe collection.
    I love to read things about just about everything no-guy related no sports, no games, no guns, no rude behaviors etc..
    I am just me..Creative, thoughtful and try to remember that I am here for a reason and I will carry that to the end. I am here to make people think out side the box or norm:)
  • trigger 15 years ago said:
    What would you like to chat about?
    The Ice storm of 2008 bis over I just got my power back on Monday at ten o'clock
    The day after the storm it looked like a crystal winter wonder land all the trees were bent over covered with ice. When the light hit it they looked like glass crystals all sparkly.
    Amazingly not much damage to my house was done . My car got a little smashed by a fallen tree limb which took off the side mirror.broke the corner window and damaged the frame and the hatch back.
    We lived with no heat except for our fireplace. One of those days out room temperature only went up to 49F degrees. I cooked on a camping stove. I managed to make shrimp scampi with garlic bread, not bad for camping.

  • jayashiangel 15 years ago said:
    My daughter just recently had to have her 3rd surgery for a birth defect she was born with ( Bilateral Clubfeet here a link so you can see what her feet looked kind-a like back then..) The picture is not of her feet....

    Boy has it been crazy here her surgery was Jan 15 and she will be in a cast for 6-8 weeks. Man just think about all the things you do daily NOW PICTURE YOURSELF IN A WHEELCHAIR and have to do the same things... and be a teenager still in High School...
  • jayashiangel 15 years ago said:
    She has had 1 of the 3 pins removed the healing process is taking longer then planned She just started putting weight on the foot and moving around the house ( She is home mostly only on weekends) do to limited movement and still being in a wheel chair..
    She is looking forward to being able to shave her leg :)
  • wynnebaer 15 years ago said:
    Hi there....My youngest was born with a cleft lip and palate with his first surgery at 30 days old...He's now 18 with one more surgery, hopefully....I relate....Wish your daughter the best.
  • jayashiangel 14 years ago said:
    Well the surgery didn't work and she will be needing to have a another surgery after she gets of of school this summer. ( it's her senior year & I want her to be able to enjoy that first)

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