• zanna 16 years ago
    Time like money, there seem to be not enough of it these days!Please share your timesaving tips.
  • zanna 16 years ago said:
    Time Savers
    Learn to set priorities on things like goals, tasks, meeting agenda items, interruptions.
    Start with "A-priority" tasks; is it the best use of your time?
    Fight procrastination; do it now if it's important.
    Subdivide large, tough tasks into smaller, easily accomplished parts.
    Eastablish a quiet hour, even though it requires will power and may not always work.
    Learn to say "no" when you've got something important to do.
    Learn to delegate.
    Accumulate similar tasks and do them all at one time.
    Minimize routine tasks; spend only the time they deserve. Shorten low-value interruptions. Throw away junk mail and other low-value paperwork. Delegate, shorten or defer indefinitely the C-priority tasks.
    Avoid over-commitment. Be realistic about what you can do in the time you have.
    Don't over-schedule. Allow some flexible time for crises and interruptions.
    Set time limits. For example, some decisions shouldn't take more than three minutes to make. Know how to recognize these.
    Concentrate on what you are doing.
    Do difficult things quickly; waiting doesn't make them easier.
    Try to handle paper only once.
    Think the job through before acting.
    Finish as you go; get it right the first time.

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