When are you going to start baking for Christmas

  • m2googee 15 years ago
    I am thinking that it must be time to start baking and freezing cookies for Christmas. What do you think. How about making candy and putting it in the freezer? All ideas and thoughts welcome.
  • m2googee 15 years ago said:
    Can you believe it is already November? Time is flying and it will be Christmas before I am ready.
    My sister is coming tomorrow and she makes the best Toffee. I have never frozen it before but might have to give it a try.
    I did make cowboy cookies last week and put some in the freezer. Hopefully, we won't eat all of them before I need them for the neighbors.
  • lor 15 years ago said:
    I'm getting the jitters already!
    I can't believe it's November and where the heck did the rest of the year go???
    I have no idea when I'm going to start baking but I'd better take the led out of my pants and soon ;)
    My Mother made a delicious Toffee that had to be frozen and if I can find the recipe, I'll post it up for all to enjoy. I made if for my children when they were little but for some reason I haven't made it in a very long time. It required vinegar, sugar and your choice of walnuts/pecans and she placed it in the milk box on a cold day, to harden. That goes back a bit. Most people have bricked up their milk boxes because as kids we could climb through the milk box to get into the house LOL
    Now, M2Googee, what are Cowboy Cookies??? You've caught my curiosity.
  • pleclare 15 years ago said:
    Oh Lord,I don't know when I will start. Doing Thanksgiving and going on a cruise the following Sat. Trying not to get stressed but want to get some shopping done before the trip. May have to take an extra day or two off work. We'll see.

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