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Have you ever cooked anything and brought it to school?

  • pollymotzko 15 years ago
    When I was a kid (many years ago)...I made a giant gingerbread man-the first thing that I actually baked with supervision from my parents.
    I used a cookbook I got from a school book drive and followed all the "how-to-pictures" in the book. When I was done it covered an entire baking sheet, complete with raisins for the eyes, and came out picture perfect. I brought it to school in 3rd grade and shared it with all my class-mates. They loved it and I still get smiles thinking about that whole experience.
    It paved the way for many more cooking and baking stories of surprising those I loved with homemade food gifts.
    In my wildest dreams I would love to work in a catering company creating delicacies to make people smile.
    That has the same effect on me as playing a pretty song on the piano. It is like waving a magic wand and making people smile. That is what cooking is to me really.

    I am now 47 years young and have been cooking 38 years and live in the Southern CA area with my dog Lucky-a pomeranian mix pooch I rescued from the pound.

    Paulette Le Pore Motzko
    Polly Motzko

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