Quick recipes here

  • invisiblechef 16 years ago
    Feel free to add.

    Here is one that I use for the loo. :)

    This is a soft scrub, use in between spray cleaning.

    1 cup baking soda

    10 drops tea tree,6 drops of peppermint or 10 drops of Lavender essential oil. Pick one.

    Enough vinegar to make a paste.

    That's it. Just clean with a sponge old rag,or cloth.

  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    I use a left over lemon half

    sprinkle rock salt ( Kosher Salt) over the cutting board

    with the half of the lemon scrub in circles the salt into the board to get rid of bacteria like Salmonella and E. Coli.

    After I have scrubbed up with my lemon half and rinsed I like to give a quick spray with my all purpose vinegar cleaner, and then just wipe clean with a cloth.

    This is really excellent for salmon season in our home.

  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    You can get rid of oven cleaners for good. I use this exact cleaner at home and when I'm cleaning ovens for my landlord after tenants have moved out.

    For a basic cleaner, meaning for an oven not too dirty. Use this as an upkeep.

    equal amounts baking soda and liquid castile soap ( or dish soap)

    8-9 drops lemon essential oil

    1/2 cup hot water

    Combine ingredients in a spray bottle, adding the water last.
    While oven is still warm you would spray this all around inside your oven and let sit for at least 30 minutes. Wipe clean and rinse clean with a damp cloth or sponge.

    For really grimy ovens you will have to use whats called a fine steel wool. They are right in your grocery store, next to SOS pads.

    For this, you might just spray down oven using above recipe, then again while oven is still warm sprinkle around salt on top of grimy areas, let sit until oven cools, and scrape away layers, then repeat above by wiping clean with a damp cloth or sponge.

    You may also just use a vinegar and water spray, then shake around baking soda all over grime. I've learned that just by pouring a bit of hot water that I've boiled on the stove and then pouring it around areas that are really bad, this actually just lifts the dried on goop right off, ( this works great on top of the stove too for spills you may think you have to scrub forever to remove) anyway, with that you would then rub gently with your fine steel wool and when done, wipe clean with a wet sponge.

    These are some options.
  • invisiblechef 16 years ago said:
    As I told you I don't own a microwave but found the recipe I was talking about that I had watched the lovely ladies from How Clean is Your House use, it's real quick and it works. Below I will post another one I found in a book called The Naturally Clean Home, compare the two, or even better mix as the first one is actually too loosen the grime, and the second one is a scrub mixture. Both smelling of lemons!

    This one is from How Clean Is Your House- best for loosening up grime.

    Fill a glass or microwave safe cereal bowl with water and 4 or 5 lemon slices. Microwave for five minutes. The hot water will loosen any filth and the lemon slices will get rid of bad smells.

    Here is the scrubber recipe.
    (if you have a removable glass turntable, remove it and wash this by hand. )

    1/4 cup baking soda

    1 tsp vinegar

    5 drops of either lemon essential oil or 1 tbsp of fresh squeezed lemon ( you can use the other half of above lemon)

    combine all ingredients to make a paste. Apply to the floor and walls of your microwave with a sponge. Rinse well, leave microwave door open for 25 minutes to air dry.


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