Friday's Foodie Treats!

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Jim has just headed out to buy some wine to make us a batch of Sangria tonight and I'm staying put. Didn't sleep well last night again and so I'm not functioning at peak capacity. :)

    I made Onion, Tomato and Cheese Omelettes for breakfast this morning and a really nice batch of Bruschetta for lunch. Benjamin is making dinner tonight. A Philippino Chicken BBQ dish. He has already prepped the chicken and put it in a marinade and also pickled some onion, hot peppers and carrots that goes with it. I said I'd make some rice.

    Bought two fun treats today. A package of Kiwi Berries
    Has anyone seen them before? I hadn't. They taste kiwi like to me but don't have fuzz on the skin which is a bonus.They are imported from New Zealand.

    The other treat is a mango ice ball. They are SO good. It's like a little gelato ball. Here's a link that shows them, among other Japanese ice cream products which are kind of fun.

    Gonna try call my Mom again this evening on Google Chat. I tried last night/her morning but she didn't pick up.

    Have a great Friday everybody! Any plans for the weekend?
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Gaaaaa! I posted the same pic twice. Sorry everyone! :) If you follow that kiwi berry link you'll see what they look like. :)
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!

    I think by now I would have gained 10 pounds if I was in Taiwan Janet ... There is just so much different and cool food that I would have to try, either that or I would be bringing back a suitcase filled with non-perishable stuff. I have never seen kiwi berries and the ice cream products are just WOW!
    So sorry you had a bad night's sleep. Hoping tonight's is better. Dinner sounds YUM!

    Thanks Joce for explaining how to make Shepard's pie. I'm going to try it next time I pick up ground beef. I'll venture the Salmon patties some day too, I prefer Salmon patties/cakes to crab.

    Do you have any plans to take the RV out soon Karen? Any trips planned yet.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    It's alligator mating season here in Florida and the gators are on the move so people are seeing them more. Someone video taped a huge gator walking around some houses here in our development during the day, I guess moving from one lake to another, but the scary part was he walking the front yards and then cut down between two houses to the back. Not cool if you open your front door or garage and meet up with him face-to-face. Just need to be smart of pay close attention to your surroundings. When the rainy season starts it'll be snakes that will be moving about as water levels rise and they seek higher ground.

    Plans today are a late lunch out. In the mood for pizza and salad.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hi Linda! Taiwan truly is a foodie destination. Every single day I try something new and totally fun. Benjamin's dinner was fantastic. He sent me the recipe and I'll make it when we get home again. Alligator mating season eh? I've not ever been around a gator. Do they move quickly? Will they actually chase you down out of the water? Have fun at lunch. PIzza and salad sound yummy.

    Got through to my Mom. She thinks it's just so cool that we can have a conversation when we're half way around the world.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Night all!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    I would also gain ten or more pounds if I lived there, Janet.

    I knew there was another reason other than the excessive heat ( for me anything over 80F) that I will never move to Florida. No alligators can coexist within fifty miles of my house!

    Guys are starving so I must get lunch. See you later.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Common sense and knowing your environment is key to living anywhere and amongst wildlife. However there are people that have no sense. Could a gator chase you down ... if he is big enough and hungry enough, yes, which is why you use sense around bodies of fresh water. They haven't been around since the dinosaurs because they are timid creatures, they are predictors.
    It amazes when I read stories about someone's dog getting snatched yet the person lets the dog run on the edge of a fresh water pond or the person who is attached when they are dangling and splashing their feet in the water off a boat dock.
    It's not like the waters are loaded with gators in the residential areas but they can be there and you can't take for granted that they are not.
    We have coyotes too and they are known to snatch small dogs yet people continually leave their small dogs out without being in a safe and secure area and often don't even watch them, they just open the door and let them out and coyotes are quick to attack and run off with a small dog.
    We have Eagles too and they also get hungry or Owls and they too snatch up the small dogs.
    I'm so glad I'm not a dog with a stupid owner. That's all I'm going to say.

    Pizza out stunk!! The service was bad as was the pie. I keep telling DH we NEED to find a new place. We did walk around after for a long time. California Pizza Kitchen is in a huge outdoor mall.
    We are home now and tired.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hi Karen!

    Kimmer? Joce? Michelle? Laurie?

    Too bad on the bad pizza Linda. At least you got a good walk in.

    Today is Benjamin's biggest teaching schedule as he does private tutoring on Saturday's. He started at 8:30 and gets home at 6 I think. We're going to try out a new restaurant this evening.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    I think you are right on lack of common sense in people, Linda. Alligators are extremely dangerous and will take down animals from dog size to humans. Coyotes are responsible for killing dogs and cats....we keep our cats in at night. They are predators and need to be respected. We live in their territory, if we had livestock we would have to take safeguards.

    GSis home. I am fixing a HelloFresh pork tenderloin dish with snap peas and mashed potatoes and cauliflower. It will be a late dinner then we are getting up early to go to a class for fire Dept board in Rolla. Still not sure how I like the process but we shall see.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Well, I'm just grateful we don't have alligators in Canada. I'm okay with coyotes and since I don't have any domesticated animals as pets I don't have that worry either. The Pork tenderloin sounds good Karen. Is there a sauce or rub on it? Good luck heading in to the Class in the morning.

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