Good Friday

  • LindaLMT 5 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone. Happy Good Friday.

    Storms are predicted here too Kimmer. We got a sampling late afternoon yesterday. I'm not ready for the rainy season just yet because the weather has been so nice lately but it'll be nice to have that cool front after today.
    I'll roast a pork loin for dinner tonight anticipating the bad weather and not wanting to grill.
    Not much else going on today. I really should run the vacuum.

    Happy to hear all was well when you arrive in R.R. Janet. Very weird about the puddle?

    OMG Karen! A lizard, I didn't think Missouri had lizards. LOL!
  • Good4U 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning!
    We are supposed to get quite a bit of rain here as well, Linda. Some places might get flooding so they have warnings out. Not sure what we are having for dinner yet. I will have to pass that by Den and see what he wants to have.
    Glad everything went well with the house, Janet. You may never know what the puddle is from? Enjoy your time with your Mom, Aunt and family. good to hear Jim's dad is out of danger now. Drop in and update us on what you are doing when you can.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Linda, Missouri has lizards, salamander-type lizard critters, blue racers, snakes of various ilk, etc.. It is an equal opportunity state for reptilian life. And in the last few years, armadillos that migrated up from the South.It is cloudy here, currently 47 F, highs in 60s F. Much cooler than yesterday.

    The Conservationist magazine had an article on coyote control that you might like -- the current recommended practice is to scare them off instead of killing. Making the homestead inhospitable, scary, whatever, with lights, noise, you name it. We kind of follow the live and let live philosophy unless something is killing chickens (not easy now we have the chicken fortress -- ha ha!) or goes after my cats. If you are interested I can get the article to you.

    We have seen a wolf or two, they are not plentiful but during some bad floods they were ousted into unfamiliar territory for a bit. They are certainly beautiful creatures, just wouldn't want to meet up with them alone!

    Hi Joce. I guess rain is needed even when it is not always appreciated. The storms we had were nothing to speak of, but further South they had hail along with high winds.

    The game cameras had a zillion pictures from January through part of April. Raccoons, turkeys, a million squirrels, one groundhog, wild pigs, deer, coyotes (one had mange and one super healthy), and a couple of beautiful, sleek, red foxes.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    I hope no areas flood Joce. Is there still snow on the ground?

    I've read that "harassing" creatures such as coyotes, foxes, wolves is a great way to deter them Karen. I would love to read the article if you have it handy. I believe as long as you don't challenge or corner some of the larger creatures they pretty much don't want to have anything to do with us and retreat. Unless it's a bear or cougar and ones with cubs. Wow on the captured images of the wildlife!

    The rain started here. We just had a small system pass thru and I'm sure there is more to come. It's so dark and depressing.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Linda, I will see if I can either mail a copy or find it online or whatever -- sooner or later I will get it to you. It was quite interesting. We seem to have an abundance of coyotes, maybe too many, as one we captured on film seemed to have a severe case of mange. Not good. But since we see foxes, maybe there are not too many coyotes, as they tend to drive out the foxes. There were fewer pigs, but then maybe they didn't go past the camera or were just not at the right place at the right time, and the neighbor five miles to the South had a bunch trapped on his place. The cutest pix is when several does and a couple of spike bucks would sniff the camera like "What is this?" and we got closeups of their faces!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Hi Everybody! Happy Good Friday! I stopped outside the library last night and opened up GR. By the time I got home though there was a glitch and it had disappeared from my screen and so I didn’t get to read yesterday’s posts. Am about to head in to town in just a moment so will try again.

    I made a Pot Roast and tossed salad last night and had my Aunt Irene and Mom out to join us. Mom spent the day with us at the house which she quite enjoyed. She sat in the kitchen and talked with me as I made up some Easter cupcakes which I brought in to her Senior’s building for all the residents. Jim’s in his element bopping around the house, clearing up brush and prioritizing his To Do list. 😊

    My Aunt Irene has invited us over for a Walleye Fish Fry tonight. She’s truly amazing and will make a beautiful meal and be the consummate hostess at 90 yrs. Young. An inspiration.

    Tomorrow we are going to drive up to Emo (half way between Fort Frances and Rainy River) and go look at BBQ’s and maybe order some flooring for Mom’s old room. Mom wants to come along for the ride.

    Wishing everyone a great Easter weekend!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    If you can find the article Karen it would be great to read but don't trouble yourself too much if you can't find it. I don't have any coyotes to 'harass' away. It's reading I enjoy and good to know.
    Very much coolness on all the critters the camera catches. I bet the deer were the best!

    Sounds like you are settling in nicely Janet and with lots to do. I'm glad your mom is feeling good enough to be out and about enjoying time with you. And kudos to Aunt Irene hosting dinner.

    The weather is turning out to be a bust but it may change again later. After two less than normal systems passing thru it looks to be clearing up. Not much rain at all and not very windy either. ??
    It was an indoor day and I had some miniature picture frames that I've been wanting to put some pictures in. I finally sat myself down, picked some photos, and printed them. I'm so surprised I didn't run into problems which I usually do when resizing printing pictures. I needed a picture of Bella, had another frame with a little dog bone on it so I printed another of LD, and the last photo was of Joy the raccoon who was like a pet and spent two years living in the woods behind our house. The little frames all hold pictures of my kids … past and present.
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and Happy Good Friday to all. We got a ton of rain up this way Linda and major wind gusts. No damage though. Just a few taller potted plants fell over. Not much thunder or lightening. Nice on the fish fry tonight Janet! Glad you mom is enjoying your visit. Cute on the camera closeups Karen! Ah more rain just started again!

    Not sure what for dinner yet. We had talked about grilling something if the weather cleared up. Which it did until a few seconds ago so will see. If nothing comes to mind will just order pizza.

    Hope all enjoy the rest of the day!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Just dropped Mom off back at her apartment after dinner. The fish fry was excellent and Aunt Irene cooked it to perfection. Had a Caesar salad and a hash brown casserole on the side

    Every time you talk about the Game camera Karen I want one. :)

    Very cute on the miniature frame project Linda. It sounds lovely.

    Goodness on the wind gusts Kimmer. Do you do your Easter Dinner on Sunday?

    We hear Aylmer is experiencing bad flooding Joce. :( Hope everything turns out okay.

    Night all.

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