Thursday's Tater Salad.....

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! It's overcast this morning but we're supposed to get sunshine today and a high of 25C/77F. The lawn is really greening up and the Canada Day 150 tulips I planted last fall have all popped up! :)

    I have all sorts of fun things I can do today. Firstly I need to clear out the last remaining leaves on the back patio garden and then around the Hostas and vinca on the north side of the house. Once that's done, all my gardens are clear of last years fallen leaves. I could spread four bags of cedar mulch if my back is in a good mood. I need to decorate the mantel above the fireplace as a "Sens Shrine" as my Ottawa Senators play their first game in the second round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs against the New York Rangers tonight. I could start to try my hand at building some miniature furniture for a fairy garden. I collected a lot of twigs and branches the other day so I'd have a store of supplies. And I also need to pack up the items I got for my Mom for Mother's Day and mail that off.

    Finally going to quell my cravings for a burger tonight. Making grilled burgers and potato salad. Yay! :)

    Karen, did more RV'ers show up? Have a great day today! I can't imagine staying up 'til 2 a.m. to pack the RV.

    Wishing everyone a grand day!
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Morning all. My tulips are up too Janet and the hyacinths are blooming. Good luck with the garden work. I need to put some mulch down too but have the same issue that you do. LOL @ a Sens Shrine. I am so looking forward to the game. Lots of people are starting a fairy garden, I must look into that.
    Now you have me craving a burger. Hmm, maybe that will be dinner.
    Update on the dog food issue, the local rep will be picking up the kibble that I saved and will send it off to the lab for testing. I'm really looking forward to seeing what comes back.
    It's overcast here too but I hope to get the pond drained this aft and clear the gardens at the back of the house.
    Have a great day everyone.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Bren! Nice on your hyacinth! That's excellent the rep is picking up some of that kibble and sending it to the lab. Do keep us tuned. How large is your pond? Do you refill it or let Mother Nature? Enjoy your day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi all. The park is pretty well filled and we recognize one of the cars so we will be haunting about in a bit. A fifth wheel is attempting to pull into his site without much success, I could never handle one of those things so no criticisms here. Wayne just saw one of the guys so he has gone over to chat.

    I must have missed the dog food problem post....what brand?

    Oops, they are off so mus catch up... bye!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Very fun you've met up with your 'bunch' Karen. Have an excellent day! Drive safe!
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    It looks like you had a great time yesterday, Janet. I had never heard of Blakney before either what a great find! Apparently, they are saying it will go up to 80 F here. I have to get out and clean more of my gardens as well. My tulips are up along with my hyacinths and daffodils. Lol @ your Sens Shrine:) GO SENS GO! You will have to do picks of your fairy garden crafts. Burgers and potato salad are perfect for such a nice day!

    Glad they are picking up the dog food and sending it to the lab, Bren. Please keep us updated.

    Sounds like you are going to have a good time at the RV park, Karen.

    As I* said before I am going to try and get some gardening done and I also need to go to Foodsmith's as well later on this afternoon. I am not sure what we are having for dinner yet.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    We really did Joce. And the little town of Blakeney is adorable. There's a mix of regular and VERY nice homes. Winding roads, farms. I saw a huge field filled with lambs and there were some goats and llamas too. Close by was a farm with all manner of ducks, donkeys, chickens, you name it. It was SO nice. You know I envy you your trip to Foodsmith's! Good luck with your gardening. How is your chest feeling these days?
  • laurieg 7 years ago said:
    Bren a few years ago Joy was having some blood in her stool and very itchy ears. Took her to the vet and she had something in her ears that she had to have medication. Both was due to the food. She was on Beneful and when I googled it a ton of people complained of the same issues and they never did anything about it.

    Becca got a job YAY! She is working in a dermatologists office. Can you believe they are NOT computerized and its a huge practice with multiple locations. She has to pull the files for the patients that are being seen or if they call in. But she gets to wear scrubs and sneakers, she said it was like wearing pj's all day.

    I took out ground beef for dinner. I want meatloaf but not sure if I will get home intime to cook a full meatloaf. Maybe I will do it in the muffin tins as it takes less time.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Boo @ Beneful Laurie. Poor Joy Joy. Big Congrats to Becca on her new job. So did she quit at the Doughnut shop? And this isn't the job that she went to a couple of interviews for is it? Is she feeling a little less anxious? Good for her. It sounds like a great job. What is it that she wants to go to University for once she graduates?
  • laurieg 7 years ago said:
    We made her quit Dunkin Donuts at the beginning of the summer. It was too much. She has been working at the School office for a few years and she just had no free time.
    She interviewed and she did a job shadow. Hopefully she will be less anxious now that that is squared away. I spoke with her councilor by phone last night. I am going to the next meeting. She wants a med evaluation. I want to see if it gets better because she was okay last night, but she feels like its just a lull if it does and once she starts the college application process then it will come back.
    I tell everyone do not feed their pets Beneful.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    So the hours at the Dermatologist's aren't as many as Dunkin Donuts then Laurie. I would think her new job would be a lot better than a doughnut shop anyway. It's good if Becca's councillor keeps her finger on the situation. College applications are stressful at the best of times.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Haven't made it outside yet but I have egg salad sandwiches made for lunch and the potatoes are just boiling for potato salad. I jarred up the chicken broth I made a few days ago and I am 3/4 done my Sens Shrine. :)
  • sclaire 7 years ago said:
    I missed something-what's going on with Beneful? There doesn't seem to be an active recall.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    There isn't anything going on with Beneful, Sclaire. Laurie just said her dog was allergic to it or it didn't agree with her dog. You don't live very far from me, I live in Perth.
    Congrats to Becca, Laurie! It sounds like a much better job than at Dunkin Doughnuts.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    I can't wait to see the shrine, Janet. I've never hear of Blakeney and googled it. It looks lovely!! I will drain the pond clean it then refill it. When it's warmer I'll add some fish. It's not a huge pond about 4 feet deep and 6 long and 4 wind.

    Karen, Annie was a really sick pup. She was vomiting and had a large amount of bloody diarrhea so we rushed her to emerg. The vet said that it was gastric. We put her on a bland diet and it cleared up but when we started her back on the kibble the systems returned. The pet store refused to even consider that it was the kibble but I pushed. The name of the kibble is Pulsar. I hope that you have a pleasant trip!!

    I've never heard of Foodsmith's either so I googled that too. Wow, that looks like my kind of store, enjoy. Good luck with your gardening.

    Beneful is a large company and should care about the food that they produce, sigh. Thanks for the info Laurie. Congrats to Beca on the new job. Lol @ wearing pj's all day. College application time is stressful for sure. Best of luck. I've never made meatloaf in muffin tins but I love the idea, I may have to steal that one.

    We had egg salad sammies last night, first time in years and they were good. I have no idea what we're having for dinner, burgers maybe? I finally got the sourdough starter to work and have the dough rising, really looking forward to that.
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    Yeah for Becca! I hope it becomes less stressful for her. The new job sounds great. Laurie, ever since your issues with Beneful, I've been extra careful on what I feed my pack. However, I ran low on Hi-Tek grain free and got an emergency bag of Pro-Plan grain free. Well, it caused huge intestinal distress in all three dogs. What a mess. I'm so glad my Hi-tek arrived.

    Janet, I love your plans for a Sens shrine. Your blooming flowers sound lovely. Enjoy your burger fix.

    Karen, have fun at the RV meet.

    Bren, what an awful experience with the kibble. I certainly hope they can find out about it.

    Joce, Foodsmith's seems like a great shop. Enjoy. Take care when gardening.

    Egg salad, yum. Must make some soon.

    Dinner is zucchini sauteed, baked fish fillets with minted peas.

    We have had a horrible week, suffice to say my nerves are shot.

    Hope y'all have a great evening.
  • laurieg 7 years ago said:
    The new job is alot of hours. Becca's school calls it a co-op job so she works 30 hours one week and no school and then her classes are the other week but the place wants her to work after school til 6 on the academic week. Becca is in the Business program at Shawsheen Technical High School so she is already certified in Excel, Office, Power point, Quickbooks and online accounting. Once they get all the certifications they can get a job and work their senior year but because Becca is all done she can start now in the last semester of her JR year and keep the job through her senior year. So she gave her notice at the job she has at the school and will be just working the ONE job thankfully!
    Beneful did not have a recall but if you google beneful and dog illness or Beneful Making my dog sick you will see there are thousands of claims. And there was a Class Action Suit against them in 2015.
    We feed joy Blue Buffalo and she loves it but when she came from the shelter she was on Puppy chow which is also a Purina food so thats why we went to Beneful
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    I have four autographed mini Sens Flags that I have autographs on from various players. They're always hard to display since they tip over. I think I saw it on Pinterest, but someone had drilled holes in pucks and used those as stands for the flags, so Jim just drilled out four of his old pucks for me. They're adorable. :) My three favourite things on my Sens Shrine are my new large Sparty Cat (mascot), a Sens traffic light thing and a Sens lava lamp. LOLOLOL.

    Both Jim and I have always wanted a pond Bren. Do you keep the fish inside in the winter time? Do you put plants in it too and last 2 you get a lot of frogs or has anything ever drowned in it. Poor Annie. She had such a hard time. Foodsmith's is an awesome store and if you are ever in Perth or passing through, it's easy to find and so worth a walk about. Blakeney was super cute.

    Oh dear @ the dog's intestinal issues Tina! Yum on your dinner. Sorry to hear your week has not gone well. Is Liv back now?

    Go Becca! She's certainly got lots to offer! That Co-op program sounds very good Laurie! Super cool.

    I got all the leaves picked up in the remaining gardens and I swept off the side patio so Jim and I had lunch out there. SO pleasant! I'll leave the mulch for another day. Jim did a lot more work on the firewood for next season. I'm going to take the glass out of the two front screen doors and put the screens in for summer. My forsythia are blooming their little hearts out!!!!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    In from the hot tub. Made a batch of Sangria. Game's on in half an hour. I'M SO EXCITED!!!! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Quick hi to everyone. Have a few minutes then must go.

    We feed all five cats Blue Buffalo salmon, plus a few assorted raccoons and possums that help themselves. Fritz gets Arjen. It is grain free, he is healthy and his coat is sleek.

    We went to a lecture where Mary Eisenhower, GD of President Eisenhower, interviewed Sergei Khrushchev, son of Nikita Kruschev. It was quite interesting even tho he took forever to answer questions.

    Also heard the Air Force flight attendant who served on Air Force One and escorted several presidents and their families. He was quite non-political and very interesting.
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    Good evening and hello to all. Janet, hubs and I left early this past Sunday and were back by Monday afternoon. It was a more business trip than pleasure but was nice to get away. Stayed right on the beach and ate our way thru St. Augustine, lol. The business end of it went very well and will probably be a regular two, maybe three day trip every month or two from now on. Hyacinths and tulips are my absolute favorite! Have fun RVing Karen. Hubs and I have thought of buying an RV and doing that in a few years. Congrats on Becca's new job. We always used the Blue Wilderness for Charlie. He had so many digestive and skin issues that it was a must. Expensive though. We are looking to adopt a little kitten (hopefully this weekend) and she will be given the Blue for kittens and cats. Our hearts aren't ready for another Charlie yet. But want some life in house again! Good luck to the Sens! Sorry you've had a rough week Tina.

    Sliced steak and salad here tonight. Easy peasy.

    Hope all enjoy the rest of the evening and since it is after 7:00 here I will offer a Sleep Sweet always..........
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    I colored my hair with a markdown box of color from Wal-Mart. It came out bright yellow. Scotty called it Barbie yellow. I wouldn't leave the house with that color. So I sent Olivia to Walgreen's to get corrective color. She got a box of ash Brown. So the first coloring processed on my head as orange foam. Second box processed a deep violet. Okay, I'll thinking orange/purple, I might get brown. Nope, fifty shades of grey. I have silvery grey hair. My baby fine hairline hair is nearly white. I quit.

    Kimmer, so sorry about your Charlie. My heart breaks when we lose a pet. My Charlie has been my closest companion. Sleep sweet.

    GO SENS! Cute on the hockey pick flag holder.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Just a few minutes between periods of the Sens game. Janet, I dug the pond out on my own and it's a lot of work but I enjoy it. You have to skim the pond everyday, about 10 minutes. It shouldn't be placed under or near trees because of the leaves. I drain it in the fall and again in the spring. I've never seen a frog but a racoon once got in and shredded the liner trying to get out. Yes to plants, water lilies from the cottage as the store that I used to get them from no longer sells them. I used to buy gold fish and overwinter them but I no longer have and aquarium so I take minnows from the lake and return them in the fall. I'll have to take a jaunt out to Perth one of these days. Doesn't Joce live there? Nice on the shrine, my niece used to work for the Sens but we never got any perks.

    Our son went into his profession because of co-op Laurie. Becca sounds well qualified, best of luck to her. I've heard good things about Blue Buffalo. I really should look into that food.

    Oh Kimmer, I so know how that feels. When we lost our last shepherd I wouldn't even talk about getting another for a year.

    Lol, Tina, I can almost picture the look of frustration on your face. So sorry that you lost your special fur baby.

    Gottta run, the game is about to start. Go Sens Go!!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Super cool lectures you attended Karen. I'd have loved to have heard that. Very neat. Is this part of the itinerary?

    Game's back on. Will try to come back later. Game is tied. I'm having heart palpitations.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Very fun on eating your way through St. Augustine Kimmer. My kind of get away! Awesome that it is going to be a regular occurrence! How lovely you're thinking of adopting a kitten. I love both cats and dogs., and they're very different Sliced steak and salad sounds awesome.
  • notyourmomma 7 years ago said:
    Well. Scotty quit calling me Barbie, now I'm Barbie's mom or grey Fox. Lol.

    Good luck, Janet.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    I've never coloured my hair Tina so don't know what to say. The colours sound kind of fun? But I can see your troubles. :( Gray Fox might be okay. :)

    You have to skim the pond EVERYDAY Bren? Wow. That's a commitment for sure!!! Oh dear at the raccoon shredding the liner. :( Fun on minnows and plants from the cottage. That's neat! Yes, Joce lives in Perth. It's a very nice town.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Sens won 2-1. I had to pop a couple of tylenol. What pressure!!!!!
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    I kinda like the grey Fox title.............very mysterious and sexy all it's own!!!

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