Tomato sauce Tuesday

  • LindaLMT 5 years ago
    Good Morning everyone.

    I have a late afternoon doctor appointment for thermography and after we will eat dinner out someplace. After the gym yesterday we stopped in the grocery store. I bought very thin cut beef to make Braciole in tomato sauce. I haven't made it in sooooo long I hope it comes out well. I'll put it together today and cook it overnight in the crockpot so it's fall apart tender. Also bought a package of 2 organic tomatoes for BLTs for $4 and when I opened the package and flipped one over it was rotten. So miffed! I'm taking it back to the store today. I'm tired of trying to buy decent tomatoes only to have them rotten or go rotten a day or two later.

    Glad to hear you are not running into any troubles on your journey Janet.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Bummer on the tomatoes, Linda. I get frustrated with that, esp strawberries seem prone to it in the winter. Guess it is from the long transport time.

    Dinner will be chicken something. Haven’t decided what yet but will have to look at crockpot or slow oven recipes. Unless venison spaghetti wins!

    Amazed at the money raised to rebuild Notre Dame....$450 million already! Wow,

    Have a good day everyone.
  • Good4U 5 years ago said:
    good luck at the doctor, Linda. Bummer on the tomatoes. I hate it when that happens.

    Yes isn't it wonderful how much they have raised for the cathedral, Karen. That is in Euros too! Which are almost double our North American money.

    The weather is much better here today. The sun is shining and it might get to double digits tomorrow. I need to go pick up Den's prescription at the drugstore and I also need a baby card and baby paper as Camden is having a baby brother and I am getting a gift ready to give him. We will be having pizza for dinner tonight so that is easy for me.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Goodness, it is quiet! Joce, the weather here is also gorgeous.....sunny and down to 80F after a temp of 84F earlier.

    We took a Gator ride and gathered game cameras so we can see what shows up on our land. Friend had Conservation set up traps on his ranch for wild hogs....he saw 16 in the fields. No idea if or how many they caught. If they catch them on private land the owner can take some if he wants. The young ones can be good eating. We didn’t see any on our land but saw one huge deer! I think it must be one of the bigger bucks from the winter cameras. Fritz got to go out of the Gator and walk around.....he looks forward to that whenever we drive to “his” spot in the woods.

    My Ayrfryer arrived....the one Emryl is advertising. Will open it later and see what our first dish will be. The toaster oven will go into the RV.

    Have a nice afternoon.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Hi Everyone! Just back to our Hotel room in Thunder Bay after having dinner at a restaurant right close by. We shared some Peri Peri Chicken tacos and a mini cast iron frypan with steak tips and mushrooms cooked in Cajun spices with a garlic stick on the side. The tacos were just meh, but the steak was good. We left Sault St. Marie around 10 and got here about 6. More good driving conditions with the exception of a snow squall around White River, which is kind of apropos. LOL.

    Lunch at the A&W in White River. We each had a teen burger. Can't wait 'til we can eat home made food again. It doesn't take long eating out at restaurants three meals a day to quickly tire of it.

    We went for a walk when we arrived to get in our steps. It was lovely and warm out. I saw three bald eagles flying just above the car today which was wonderful.

    Jim's Dad had his follow up appointment from the tests they ran last week and they said they wanted him to be admitted to hospital right away. He is in Stage 4 Heart failure caused by renal failure. Jim's brother brought him straight there. He's in emergency right now (has a room and a bed but he's just there until a bed opens up in a regular ward). They have assigned a team to tend to him. They feel that if they give him dialysis that will adversely hurt his heart and if they give him drugs to lessen the fluid around his heart that will adversely hurt his kidneys. Bad. :(

    Hope your appointment went well Linda. I've never had Braciole. Let me know how it goes.

    That is indeed awesome that so much money has been raised to rebuild Notre Dame Cathedral. I still haven't seen a whole lot of the coverage since we've been on the road. Very cool on the game cameras Karen. That's insane seeing 16 Wild Boar in one field. Ai yi yi. Nice that Fritz got to go for a Gator ride. Have fun with your new air fryer. Can't wait to hear what you do with it.

    How exciting that Camden will have a baby brother soon Joce. :) Is there a baby shower scheduled soon? What's going on with Den and his heart lately? Hope all is well.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    So sorry to hear about Jim’s dad, Janet. It is so hard when needed meds cause other problems. Prayers are with you.

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