Tuesday talk.....

  • chuckieb 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! I was up before 7 this morning bright eyed and bushy tailed. Funny how one's body is more receptive to early risings in the spring and summer months than in the winter. :)

    Jim and I got back from Montreal last night around dinner time. We had a fabulous time. The 50th Anniversary party we attended was held at the Caribbean Paradise Restaurant in Lavalle, Quebec. The food was crazy good. Curried goat, chicken, chickpeas and potatoes, naan and salads and desserts. Jim also tried some sort of smoky noodle salad. The music was very fun. There were two instruments I'd never seen before. A type of bar and ring that a man would clink together and then a 'harmonium' which is like a cross between a keyboard and an accordian. SO cool.

    We walked to a local Bagel Shop yesterday morning and our host picked up poppy seed bagels, cream cheese and smoked salmon to bring back for breakfast. Jim and I grabbed a dozen bagels to bring home as well. Stayed and visited and had lunch and then headed off. Stopped in at Beau' Brewery in Vankleek Hill on the way home so Jim could pick up some Craft beer. We also grabbed a rotisserie chicken from the grocery store to eat for dinner.

    At the Oceanwise seafood and oyster bar that sold the crab and shrimp cakes that we ate on Sat. night I bought some Porcini mushroom powder. I'd heard people on the Leite's Culinaria FB page talking about it and had never seen it before. It's fairly stinky but hopefully it tastes good. Also got a little package of wild blueberry infused sugar that I thought I could rim cocktail glasses with.

    That is so nice that you chatted with a lady at PF Chang's Linda. It'd be great to have a friend to bounce stuff off of. Let us know how you made out bringing your DH to his new spot.

    You had a busy weekend Laurie. Yum on your lobster rolls! So jealous! I've heard of Rockport.

    The old bible that belonged to Jim's Great Grandfather that we saw in Montreal was super, super cool Karen. I'll post a pic below. It looks like something off a movie set. That being said I haven't been in many churches for years, so perhaps you see them there as well. Hope your friend's Father recovers. Was pleased to hear Geezer returned but it sounds scary. Did you get through to the vet?

    So sorry to hear about Camden Joce but I'm sure she'll make out great. As you say, CHEO is a fantastic hospital and I remember babies getting treated for holes in the heart when Benjamin was just a baby and was in there for a hernia operation. It is heart breaking for parents and family though as you have no control and feel very much at the mercy of the Dr.'s. Sending prayers. Keep us updated.

    That's great you got the pond cleaned out Bren. Sure sounds like you're having a devil of a time with that Virginia Creeper. :(

    Glad you had another good trip to St. Augustine Kimmer and it's nice you've found a 'home away from home'. It sounds really nice. (Especially the Happy Hour part) :) I checked out the link.

    Gonna post this before I lose it.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    No clue what to do for dinner although I'm leaning towards BBQ steak. Jim is going to work outside all day and clear up the wood/branches/mess leftover from the trees coming down Friday. I'm going to bop into town to some garden centres and buy myself some more plants. I will plant them this week whenever I get a chance. It's a lovely blue sky sunshiny day and I'm looking forward to my little jaunt. Mosquitoes are nasty though.

    Oh! And I received my Ancestry DNA results yesterday.
    Scandinavia 61%
    Ireland 13%
    Great Britain 11%
    Iberian Peninsula (Spain, Portugal) 10%
    Asia <1%

    I'm quite thrilled. I didn't think I'd have that much Scandinavian in me but I'm pleased I actually do! And I thought I'd have a greater percentage of Great Britain so that was a bit of a surprise. The only one I can't really explain at this point is the 10% Spain and Portugal. I do certainly have olive skin, brown eyes and tan easy. :) Just as exciting as the results is that because I did it through Ancestry, it linked me to 118 other people who they are confident I share enough DNA with that they would be my 4th cousins or closer. So I have already started messaging people to see if I can find some more relatives I didn't know about. VERY fun.

    Wishing everyone a grand day!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Morning All.

    Neat story about the Bible Janet. I have a very old "family" Bible too, from 1869. There was births, marriages, and deaths written in it and I was always fascinated with who the people were. When I got older and wanted to start to research my family I had asked my mom whose side of the family it was from (mother or father) and that's when she told me she had picked it up at a yard sale many many years ago. So, these people I thought were long lost relatives were not. Oh well, the Bible is still neat though.

    Hoping Geezer will pull through today Karen. Wishing you the best. I'd be out there snake hunting all day killing the copperheads as I'd want them no where near.

    Prayers always to Camden. When we she go in for her surgery Joce?
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Very cool on the DNA results. It really has me wondering and I may do it someday. My biggest fear is that I might be related to someone I dated or worse married! Then what?!!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Oh dear at the yard sale bible Linda. I'm sure it was a cool looking book, a shame the people weren't related. Jim's Uncle said that they had a second family bible from Jim's Maternal Grandmother's side but they gave it to a church. It didn't have any family dates written in it and supposedly it wasn't as large as this one is. LOL @ being afraid you might be related to someone you dated or married. I think they biggest scare is if you have children with a relative so I don't think you have much to worry about. :) Jim is always teasing that one day we may find out that we're related as both of our families have roots in the same area.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I just couldn't imagine dating a distant cousin or worse finding out my husband is related to me somehow. Yikes!!
    The Bible I have is so neat. It's big like yours and kinda looks like it too. Now that I know these are not my relatives not sure what to do with it. I'll keep it for now.
    Glad to hear you had a nice time at the anniversary party.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    If it were me I'd search for the family that the bible belongs to, but that's because I am genealogy obsessed and also have use of the Ancestry site that would help me search. :) Think how excited a family member would be to get a message out of the blue that there was a copy of their relative's Bible that had appeared. Wow. That'd be neat.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I thought about that but wouldn't even know where to start. I also have an old book signed by a pastor who wrote it, thought about trying to track down the family for that too. Someday ... when there is time.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Welcome home Janet, sounds like you had a great weekend! Wow on that bible, it looks so old. That's so cool about your DNA! I would love to do that one day.

    Hi Linda, I hope your DH settled into the new place last night. Hopefully he'll adjust and be comfortable soon.

    Goodness on little Camden Joce. That must be so scary for the parents too, sending prayers for your family.

    I hope Geezer is ok Karen!

    I don't think I've seen Virginia creeper over here Bren, but we get morning glory that spreads like wild fire and chokes out plants and trees in our region. The only thing I can do is pull it out by the roots and hope to get the whole tap root. Good luck tackling it!

    Wow, St.Augustine sounds so nice Kimmer. As well as the Inn you stayed out, wow.

    We spent so much time in the garden the last two days I could barely move last night. Very stiff, sore and sun burnt! But we finally got all the planting done, transplanted all the strawberries, rhubarb and a cherry tree. Tilled and amended the soil; Planted the raspberries and birch trees. And pulled out a lot of grass, weeds and petrified soil. We only got about 30% of the weeds and grass done though, once we finish that we'll put the weed barrier and mulch down. It's suppose to be another hot day today, then thankfully we'll get some rain tomorrow.
    I just got back from Physio this morning, she did a lot of deep pressure point massage so I'm even more sore, lol. So I'm going to rest this afternoon. Dinner is something easy, grilled smokies, potato salad and crudités.

    Have a great day everyone! :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Good morning.

    We had to put Geezer down. He had a new tick disease which has no cure. The vet said his system was shutting down from it. She would have given him some sort of shots but was not hopeful. I decided he should not have to suffer any more. We are amazed he managed to get back home after four days. It must have taken every bit of his strength to make it. Will bury him near the irises by the fence this afternoon because he liked to nap under the leaves.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi Shona, Janet, Linda!

    The Bible is very old, Janet, probably King James edition. Our church has a large one but probably American ed. Or N.I.V. The older ones were so ornate! My 3 or 4 times great grandmother is in both my grandma and grandpa's ancestory.

    Linda, good luck in locating family the Bible belongs to. Hoping your trip with your husband went well.

    Shona, morning glory here doesn't spread as easily as poison ivy, which is everywhere and I am very susceptible to it.

    GS goes to Dr. today to see what is wrong. His allergy meds are not helping. Raw, red throat, swollen tonsils (?), tired. Daughter will tell us when she finds out.

    I put a recent picture of Geezer on Facebook. He was a huge cat and his long fur made him look even bigger. At the vets he just lay there and once in awhile meowed. He was quieter when I stroked him. I held him for her myself since he was so afraid of people, and just could not bring myself to desert him when he had tried so hard to come home.
    Such is life. He has, as they say, crossed Rainbow Bridge.

    Wayne is at Rotary. I have to start laundry and putting away clothes from yesterday's wash. Mauser is looking at me like she wants outside but she won't join the others....quite the scaredy cat. It rained earlier but the sun is out and I think it will be a beautiful day.

    See you all later.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Oh Karen, I'm so sorry for your loss :( Wow, he used all his energy to make it home to you. It's so sad you had to put him down, but it was for the best. ((hugs))
    Gosh, more tick disease...how scary. I just bought a big bottle of Neem oil from Amazon. I'm making my own tick deterrent for us and the dogs. And making an outdoor spray for the trees and grass etc.. I hope your GS feels better too!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hi Shona! Good for you on all that gardening. It's great exercise! Yum on all the bounty you'll harvest! Ouch on the deep pressure point massage. LOVE the sound of your dinner (I adore Smokies) I didn't know Neem oil was a tick deterrent. I think I have some down in the basement that I used on lilies for some sort of bug.

    Sincere condolences on Geezer Karen. How sad. It's good you stayed with him at the vets. It would have brought him comfort. I'm super susceptible to poison ivy as well. Hate the stuff. Hope your Grandson makes out okay at the Dr. Let us know what they say.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    I had fun in town buying plants. I usually spend about $200 at the start of each gardening season between annuals and perennials. That's not counting trees or shrubs I sometimes pick up as well. It goes so fast! There were 2 super cool plants I saw at the Green House this afternoon that I was attracted to. One had silver foliage and the other was like black elephant ears. They wanted $29.99 each so I passed. I did pay $9.99 for a begonia. I don't like begonias nor their flowers but the foliage on this one is super cool, dark purple with blackish spots. I always buy a few funky plants for the planter on my hot tub deck. Another fun one I bought is a miniature coleus for my fairy garden.

    Grabbed a few groceries, came home, had lunch and I'll pop out to do some planting shortly.

    Bought some pre-made ribs at Costco a while ago so thawed those. Supposedly you warm them up on the BBQ for 10 min. and they're ready. Will make some sort of salad, potato, pasta, ? as a side. We have a Sens Game this evening. Might be our last. Hope it won't be.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Green houses are my weakness.

    Lowes carries six packs of itty bitty starter begonias for $1.98 which I put in hanging baskets. I have a pretty one that doesn't look like any I have seen but it is a really pretty red. Tomatoes are doing well and I have to plant one more basil. Wayne says I am overly concerned about the copperheads but I have no desire to experience a bite, so will be quite cautious now that it is warming up a bit..

    AC and Trouble are outside, maybe Mel also. Mauser did well but decided to retreat to the safety of the house. Decided not I. Frame of mind to do housework but did put some laundry in.

    Wayne is asleep....tired from the running around. We had breakfast at Penelope's. French toast....eggs...bacon, orange juice and coffee. Not a huge breakfast but filling. If the pot roast thaws will have it for supper, if not it will be for tomorrow, and burgers or ???? tonight.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    I grabbed two more beef steak tomatoes and a cherry tomato, a cucumber and some dill to add to the vegetable garden. I meant to look for heirloom carrots and forgot. Are you concerned the other cats may get that same tick disease as Geezer Karen, or do they not travel abroad so far? Your breakfast sounded lovely. Pot roast or burgers sounds good as well.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon all. Breezy 86F here right now. Forecast says 90% rain and possible severe storms tomorrow. Figures since I was going to do errands tomorrow, lol. I do not like being out in storms so may have to move the errands to Thursday. But we so need the rain and hope we get it. And the errands can wait, nothing I really have to do right away. Just some banking and a Chloe food run. I'm always ahead of the game with her food anyway so no worries.

    Karen, so so sorry to hear of Geezer. And so good that you were with him. Sounds like GS has a good bug going on.

    Very cool on the DNA stuff. I have bought pre-made ribs at Sam's Club before and they actually weren't bad. They already came with BBQ though but of course, needed to add more!

    I have my Grandmother's family Bible which is wrapped carefully as the cover is starting to fall apart. Many names and birth dates of relatives are listed. I remember it being around when I was a kid but never really paid much attention to it. When she passed away it was left to me. I was looking at it one night and discovered why she hated her birthday. We were NEVER allowed to celebrate her birthday or give her gifts on that day and it was always a mystery and a disappointment as birthdays in the house were always special to her. Just not hers. She gave birth to 4 children, one died as an infant. That I knew. But I did not know that he was born 2 days before her birthday and then died of unknown causes ON her birthday. My Mother had to have known as that was one of her little brothers (she was the oldest). But not a word about it was ever spoken in our family. Sad but interesting. I guess I will never know the circumstances of that birth. My Mother still has one remaining brother alive but we are not close and haven't been for many, many years. But that's another story all in itself, lol!

    Well, tis my glorious cheese night! Looking forward to as usual. Boys are already taken care of so all is well in the Kimmer world right now, lol!

    Hope all enjoy the rest of the day.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Very cool on having your Grandmother's Bible Kimmer. How very sad she had a baby die on her birthday. :( Indeed, it would certainly ruin the celebration. Jim's Uncle and Aunt had this one rebound. Enjoy your cheese fondue.

    I have potatoes and an egg boiling as I decided to make potato salad. Anyone ever make a lentil salad and have a good recipe to share?
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Oh Karen, I am so so sorry about Geezer. You know he loved you to have gone what he went thru to get back home to you. May he rest in peace and what an exceptional lady you are to have given him a wonderful loving home.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I bet you are sore Shona. Deep tissue massage alone is enough to make you sore. If you have magnesium oil or can get some it's great for rubbing into sore muscle, so is an Epsom salt bath.

    Has Chloe made up with you yet Kimmer? Enjoy your cheese night.

    This is my favorite Lentil salad recipe Janet ... I don't cook the vegetable though, I use them raw, used about 1/2 the onion and garlic called for too.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    And if you like rice salads this one is great! Sweet and savory and I've had a hankering for it too and will make it soon myself. I use a blend of rices, omit the peas and instead add about 1/2 cup of diced carrot and 1/2 cup of diced celery. Very forgiving and adaptable to your personal taste.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Today went much better than I expected. I know DH really wanted to come home but he seems to except he can't just yet. I told him it was either the new place or back to the hospital per his doctors orders. I feel for him having to be in the dementia portion of the place but it's where he has to be ... there is this one woman who does nothing but yell and at least she isn't in the common area too long. There really isn't anyone he can talk with or hang out with so I'm sure he will spend most of his time in his room and that makes me feel bad. At least I can visit whenever I want and too I can bring LD. Therapies should start soon and hopefully that will keep him occupied if even for a few hours. Just wish there were other choices for what to do for care but there isn't. One day at a time, one day at a time.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Thanks for the Lentil salad recipe Linda. It looks good and Jim will like the celery in it. I've never had a rice salad before and initially turned up my nose (LOL), but when I looked at the recipe it actually looks very delicious. A whole lot of flavours going on! I pinned both. Thanks so much!

    Didn't get much planted. Did the planter on the hot tub deck and the fairy garden plant and then the mosquitoes started to drain my blood so I ran for my life.
  • gaspesiangal 6 years ago said:
    Just checking in. We were without power all afternoon so no computer and the game is about to come on. I'll catch up tomorrow.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    I never thought I would like a rice salad Janet but the one I linked did it for me.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    BREN!!!! GO SENS GO BIG TIME!!!!! :)

    Thumbs up Linda.
  • gaspesiangal 6 years ago said:
    I'll start tonight and finish up tomorrow. Sounds like you had a wonderful time Janet and awesome food. The bible is beautiful, what a great keep sake. Nice mix on the DNA.

    Aww how disappointing on your bible, Linda.

    Shnon he said that he planted the Virginia creeper because he liked the colour in the fall. It spreads like wild fire. I have morning glory but it stays in place and has caused me no problems. That's a whole lot of planting and deep muscle massage is painful.

    I am so very sorry, Karen. Loosing a pet is painful. I've read that this year will be awful for ticks, it almost makes me not want to go to the cottage.

    How cool that you have your Grandmothers bible, they were so much nicer back then. How sad about the birthday not being celebrated for those reasons. I had a sister that died very young and mom never wanted to talk about it. Enjoy the cheese, so envious.

    Perhaps he's had the time to think, Linda. We all do what we have to and again, I'm sorry that you are going through this.

    I have a lentil, mung bean and quinoa salad that I'm working on but it still needs tweaking so I won't offer it up. It's basically a knock off of Costco's.

    I hope that I didn't miss anyone and if I did my apologizes.

    Go Sens Go!!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi all.

    Potato salad sounds great.

    Glad it went well for your husband, Linda.

    Kimmer, our rain fizzled out. 90 F is too hot for my tastes....ha ha.

    Bren, the ticks and snakes are indeed horrible this year. Mice have invaded the garage and carriage house. The heavy rains are to blame. Wayne has trapped a bunch of them but they still keep coming.

    Yes, Geezer was special. He showed up injured and scared in 2006. He became my buddy, trusted me, loved to be held. Yesterday I held him on my lap for a bit and he purred. The vet thought it was a tick disease, and his systems were shutting down. As long as I kept my hand on him at the vet's office, he was quiet. We still expect him to look inside the window waiting to be held and made over. He will be missed.

    GS has a respiratory bug and can resume swimming when feels like it. Or his mother lets him, whichever comes first.

    We had a fire call today. Half way there we were told to disregard. Wasted trip.

    Fixed smoked salmon dish tonight....nothing special but will post it so I can duplicate it whenever Wayne decides he would like it again. Pork roast tomorrow.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Glad to hear it's nothing serious with GS Karen.
    Pets sure do have a presence that is greatly missed when they pass, I feel so bad about what happened to Geezer. Dam ticks and mosquitoes and snakes and everything else that carries disease. You gave him a great home and for that he loved you 💕 and showed you how much that meant.

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