
How to make it

  • Preheat oven to 375.
  • Toss onions with 1/2 cup olive oil and salt then add garlic, olives and mint.
  • Trim off one end of lemon then slice as thin as possible into half moons.
  • Remove seeds as you encounter them then toss lemon slices with onion mixture.
  • Add wine and set aside to let onions soften and weep their moisture while you trim artichokes.
  • Trim bottom of stem of each artichoke and carefully peel stalk.
  • Remove badly damaged or dry outer leaves and trim thorns with scissors.
  • Cut artichoke in half and use stainless steel spoon to carve under and remove choke.
  • Rinse in cold water but don't drain well.
  • Sprinkle artichokes with salt squeezing and folding them so some salt falls between leaves.
  • Drizzle and rub with olive oil to coat thoroughly then squeeze halves.
  • Spread onion mixture about 1-1/2” deep in a large flameproof baking dish.
  • Liquid should be 1/2" deep and if not add a little water.
  • Nestle artichokes cut side down in bed of onions.
  • Heat gently over low heat until puddle is bubbling.
  • Cover tightly first with parchment paper then foil dull side out.
  • Bake until you can easily pull out a second tier leaf and pulp at base is tender about 1-1/2 hours.
  • Once a test leaf is tender raise oven temperature to 400 and uncover then bake 15 minutes.
  • Serve warm with homemade mayonnaise flavored with lemon or garlic.

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    " It was excellent "
    tablescape ate it and said...
    This sounds like a very interesting combination of some of my favorite ingredients. Thanks so much for this post. A 5 from me.
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