Chicken Francaise
From ddnj2393 13 years agoIngredients
- 3 Boneless chicken breasts shopping list
- 2 eggs shopping list
- 2 cups flour shopping list
- vegetable oil shopping list
- chicken stock shopping list
- 1/2 stick of butter (1/4 cup) shopping list
- flour shopping list
- 2 tbsp lemon juice shopping list
- 2/3 cup white wine shopping list
- garlic powder and italian seasoning to taste shopping list
How to make it
- Flatten the chicken with a meat mallet to 1/4 inch thickness
- Beat the eggs in a large bowl, set aside.
- Put the oil in a large frying pan, enough to cover about half the chicken when it is laid flat in the pan, heat the oil until it is hot enough to fry.
- Coat the chicken in flour, then egg, then fry immediately. Make sure it does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
- Remove the chicken from the oil after it has a lightly browned and crisp coating, it is not necessary to cook it all the way through as it will be baked off later.
- In a medium sauce pan, melt the butter, and add flour to make a roux until the mixture reaches the right consistency. It will look like wet sand.
- Add the chicken stock a little at a time, whisking the to combine throughly after each addition.
- Add in the wine, lemon juice, and seasonings.
- Place the chicken in a baking dish and pour the sauce over top. Cover and bake in a 400 degree oven for 20 minutes. Serve over pasta of your choice.
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