
How to make it

  • Heat 1 tb butter in a large frying pan over medium until foaming. Add the leeks and stir to coat. Sprinkle with a little dash of salt, then turn the heat to very low and cook for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally, until they're all wonderfully brown and caramelized. If needed, add a little water at any point if they are looking too dry ( not necessary with me ). Put the leeks in a bowl.
  • Heat the other tb olive oil in the pan, add the squash and cook for a couple min., until hot. Add to leeks. Then, pour your wine into the pan that you cooked the leeks and squash in, turn up the heat to medium-high, and cook for a couple of minutes, scraping the browned bits from the bottom of the pan into the liquid. Add the leeks, parsley and squash, stir, cover lightly and keep warm.
  • Pat the shellfish dry and sprinkle them with salt and fresh ground pepper. Heat the oil in a sautee pan over medium-high heat. Add the scallops and sear on each side until they are brown and crisped on the outside and just opaque in the middle - this only takes 2 minutes or so per side. Put into bowl. Add the calamari and cook for 30 seconds to 1 min., stirring once. Put into bowl with scallops. Add the shrimp to the pan and cook for some min., until done. Return scallops and calamari to pan and heat for just a couple seconds.
  • Divide the squash with leeks between plates, then perch a quarter of the shellfish on top of each. Sprinkle the lemon zest and some freshly ground pepper over each dish. Finally garnish with the parsley, and serve.

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  • ttaaccoo 11 years ago
    Buffalo is to get a Trader Joe's soon . I miss all the frozen items they have. 'twill be nice!! btw, this sounds delish
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