
How to make it

  • Directions
  • Remove the ends from the beans. Snap the beans in 2 pieces, place into a colander, wash, and set aside to drain.
  • Meanwhile, in a large cast iron Dutch oven, lightly brown the salt pork in the bacon grease over medium heat, turning often, for approximately 10 minutes. Toss the green beans into the pot, stirring them with a wooden spoon to coat well with the pork fat. Add the broth, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Cook over medium-low heat, covered tightly, for approximately 30 minutes, or until the beans are half done.
  • While the beans are cooking, peel a center strip from each new potato with a potato peeler. At the end of 30 minutes, add the potatoes and onion to the beans; add 1/4 cup more broth, if needed. Cook, covered tightly, until the potatoes are tender, approximately 25 to 30 minutes, periodically checking the pot to make sure a small amount of liquid remains. When the potatoes are tender, tilt the lid slightly, off to the side of the pot, and continue to cook until the green beans are wilted, approximately 15 minutes. While cooking, add the butter and season with more pepper if needed.

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  • twill10 8 years ago
    Brunoise is a French cooking term meaning to cut a vegetable into small cubes of precise and uniform measurement.

    A regular brunoise gives you cubes 3 mm (1/8th inch) in size; a fine brunoise gives you cubes 1.5 mm (1/6th inch) in size. In France, the fine brunoise is the standard.

    Brunoise-cut vegetables can be used in sauces, such as a tomato concasse, or as an aromatic garnish on a soup or consommé.

    Items to which a brunoise cut is commonly applied include carrots, celery, leeks, onion, potatoes, tomato and turnip. It is more difficult on the softer vegetables such as tomatoes.
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  • twill10 8 years ago
    Thanks for the bookmarks
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  • twill10 8 years ago
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  • twill10 8 years ago
    I worked in a commercial kitchen where the size of your brunoise could cost you your job. Even now, years away from my days cooking in professional kitchens, if I’m not cutting vegetables properly I’m afraid someone is going to jump out and start yelling at me. While that type of precision is not required in your kitchen (unless Wolfgang Puck is looking over your shoulder) it is important to understand the difference between dice and mince, as the size in which your food is cut will greatly affect the cooking time and outcome of the final dish.

    Sharpen your skills (and your blade)
    Whenever you are cutting food be sure to use a very sharp knife on a sturdy surface. If you are cutting on a cutting board place a damp cloth under it to prevent the board from slipping. Tuck your fingertips under your knuckles and rest the blade of the knife against your knuckles. Use your fingertips to guide the knife along whatever you are cutting.
    That would be the opposite hand from the one you are holding the knife in. Dig the fingernails downward so as to not cut off a finger tip..

    a dull knife is dangerous twill10
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  • twill10 8 years ago
    I wouldn't use the salt pork, I would use a medium ( 1/2 inch by 1/2 an inch ) dice bacon or ham it just looks better and I think it will taste better as well. I have had this dish many ways, I never used the garlic. Also using white pepper you don't have black specks floating in your beans, it can be a problem in a commercial kitchen, I don't know how many of you will be in a commercial kitchen, but it is just one less potential headache you can eliminate. As Barney Fife would say : snip it in the bud ! White pepper is hotter so be prepared to use less than with black pepper........twill10
    There are so many little things that can help you in the kitchen and I will post as I remember .
    I would be careful if you use chicken bouillon , I think we all know it can be very salty and this recipe also calls for salt.
    The potatoes can be peeled, sliced, turned, but try to keep them somewhat round when peeling .
    When I turned potatoes I tried to cut them in a seven sided turn, My chef would make you eat them if it wasn't a perfect 7 sides. I often dreamed of turning him into perfect seven sides. But turning is this:
    This refers to the cutting of vegetables into football shapes. From the French word Tourneur--(turning the veg in your hand so you can cut it in a
    said shape) Looks fancy---quite tricky to master. They used to have a sharp mold to make this much easier.......twill10
    Something else very nice is to hold the potato and cut a strip all the way around the potato. It has the skin still on it , but a skinless strip around it, very nice looking........twill10 These are just tips to make your cooking a little more special. There is a way you can dice an onion that makes them uniform in shape, don't know if I can explain it, but I will look for instructions You just cut the onion in half then from the end slice into the onion the size dice you like,cut the same size till it comes to the end , as you come to the end the onion will get smaller, stop there and use the small size dice you cut and like.
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