
How to make it

  • In medium saucepan, combine sugar with water, Bring to a boiling, stirring. Reduce heat, simmer uncovered 5 minutes.
  • Cool.
  • Combine sugar and water syrup with wine, orange juice and lemon juice.
  • Add whole berries.
  • Refrigerate until very well chilled, about 24 hours or overnight.
  • To Serve: Pour over ice cubes* in punch bowl add club soda.
  • Serve at once.
  • *Instead of ice cubes I use a Jello mold filled with water and extra berries and freeze. This will then be one big piece and it won’t melt as fast.
  • This is an old recipe but no matter how old this is often requested. It is refreshing and lite. If we double this recipe or 4x's it, it always goes.

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