
How to make it

  • Peel the onion and DO NOT cut it. Place it into a large stock pot.
  • Place the chicken and all other ingredients into the pot.
  • Fill with water to cover chicken and then about 2 inches above.
  • Bring to a boil.
  • Lower heat and simmer, covered, for around an hour.
  • Add salt and pepper to taste.
  • **Before serving, remove chicken from soup and take off the skin and take meat off bones. Also, DO NOT boil noodles in the soup. Boil them separately and add when serving. The onion, bay leaves and parsnip were never eaten...They were removed before serving.**

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  • jett2whit 16 years ago
    Grandma's always have a special touch they add to everything! What a special recipe. Thank you for sharing. It will definitely be on my to do list! Jett
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