Polly Motzko is back again with a new cooking blog you can join!

  • pollymotzko2 14 years ago

    I just decided to create another profile on here due to having trouble logging in to my recipe pages here. My new ID is called PollyMotzko2 and you can find me there now.


    Also, you can email me at: CookingUpAStorminCA@gmail.com

    I have a new cooking blog called "Cooking Up A Storm In Southern CA!" I began it on January 5th, 2010 and it is coming along nicely.

    I have a whole bunch of feature stories backed up and did a story with a Chef friend of mine in Detroit, Ed Schenk. Then I have another feature story in my "Cooking Technique" segment with Chef Ryan Bordeaux in LA.

    The editors of FoodBuzz.com are looking at my blog and are considering featuring me as a paid writer on there. That was my goal-to be a paid Food Writer in a year's time. :-) Just go to Foodbuzz.com and look for 'Polly Motzko" and I should come up

    Polly Motzko

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