
  • zonie57 14 years ago
    I was wondering if any one knows about Quinoa? I bought some the other and I have a recipe using it, but what I bought is tiny seeds and the recipe calls for Quinoa flour. So you have to grind the seeds to make flour? Or what? Zonie57
  • swatez 14 years ago said:
    Organic Quinoa: Triple-cleaned and perfect for baking & cooking purposes. It's pronounced "keen-wah".

    Convenient & safe storage: Our quinoa comes in six-gallon buckets (or pails... another word for the same container), containing 42 lbs. net weight. When you store quinoa at home, it needs to be protected in a couple of ways. First, it needs to be protected from a variety of little critters who'd like to get to it before you do. Weevils and rodents, for example. You also need to protect your quinoa from picking up excessive additional moisture, which can be drawn from the atmosphere. The buckets our quinoa comes in provide full protection against these storage risks. They have airtight gasket-sealed lids, Mylar liners, and oxygen absorber packets that remove the oxygen from the air in the bucket after we put the lid on. The O2 absorbers leave an atmosphere of nitrogen in the bucket (because air is mainly oxygen and nitrogen.) Our buckets safely lock out pests, and biological processes are put "on hold" in the Mylar protected, oxygen-free nitrogen atmosphere, so your quinoa enjoys complete peace and quiet until you want to use it. Note: If you don't already have a bucket lid removal tool, they make lid removal easy (see lower section of this Web page.)

    Beat Oxidation! In whole-grain foods, the plant's cellular walls protect nutrients from oxidation. The process of oxidation begins to occur as soon as grain is ground, exposing the cell's contents to oxygen in the air. Flour that is several days (or more) old, has been exposed to oxygen that inevitably diminishes its nutritional value. The way to get full nutrition from whole grain foods is to mill them when you need them, right in your kitchen. Modern high-speed grain mills make it fast and easy to enjoy the freshest, best tasting and most nutritious food imaginable!

    Super-Cleaned: All of our quinoa is triple-cleaned to ensure purity and protect your grain mill from any foreign objects. (Quinoa that isn't sufficiently cleaned may contain small stones that will damage or destroy a grain mill... not to mention that you don't want such things in your food!)

    Non-GMO: All of Pleasant Hill Grain's whole grain products are natural (non-GMO).
  • heatherly 13 years ago said:
    The first time I tried quinoa I toasted it first and it really gave it a nutty flavor. I can try to locate that recipe if you want.

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