recipe searches

  • pointsevenout 13 years ago
    From the main home page I do a recipe search for pecan nut bread. Results are 11 pages of recipes, none of which are pecan nut bread. I know this site has a pecan nut bread recipe: Pecan Nut Bread
    What's up?
  • kristopher 13 years ago said:
    Two things going on here:

    1) Since the new site, we haven't updated the "search index" yet, so recipes posted in the past 2 weeks aren't showing up in search results yet. We are going to update the index this weekend, and that recipe will show up.

    2) Try searching "pecan bread", the "nut" is throwing it off. This is an edge case, but we are doing a lot right now to refine the search results. They are going to get a lot better in the near future.
  • pointsevenout 13 years ago said:

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