Bitter Melon In Eggs with Shrimp Recipe

  • Ladybug_MrsJ 5 years ago
    Green Challenge

    I met a really nice woman from Okinawa Japan so I took that as my inspiration to make this "Bitter Melon In Eggs with Shrimp Recipe." I had not had Asian bitter melon before, and I found it tasted like wild dandelions. I soaked my melon all day in salt water (10 hours) to remove some of the bitterness. I was confused by the recipe: I wasn't sure if the 2 1/2 cups of water was for soaking the melon, or for stewing (in which case stewing wasn't mentioned in the recipe or how long to cook if stewing). I decided to add the water to the fried onions, tomato, and garlic and stew the bitter melon (about 1.5 hours: I was thinking this may be like ratatouille: the tomatoes and onion became "sweeter"). Overall, it tasted okay (I think this is probably one of those "nostalgic" recipes for people from Japan: neither good nor bad but rather classic). I woke up a couple hours after I went to sleep with my solar plexus spinning like crazy and a strong craving for sugar (completely out of character: we do not even have sugar in our home - I opted for some dates). This made me curious if bitter melon as any known therapeutic benefits. Much to my surprise, I learned bitter melon contains a chemical that acts like insulin (Weil, Mercola) (Who knew?). I believe in "Let food by thy medicine," but I think I am too sensitive for this vegetable. I will not be making this again. Thank you mommylotte for sharing your recipe! I am always interested in learning about the cuisine of other cultures!

    PS: I did not realize I was supposed to scoop out the inside of the melon. I just REMOVED the very large seeds. The inside of the melon had a milder flavor that the outside of the melon, so I doubt it had an adverse affect on flavor. Of course, it affected the aesthetics of the melon, and most probably it altered the medicinal properties (just guessing) since the seeds are the most potent part of the melon.

    Bitter Melon In Eggs With Shrimp
  • Ladybug_MrsJ 5 years ago said:


    From the linked article:

    Bitter melon is possibly safe for most people when consumed by mouth for up to three months. But it may trigger such side effects as headaches, upset stomach, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea....Since bitter melon may lower your blood sugar, using bitter melon in combination with a medication that lowers blood sugar could cause your blood sugar to drop to dangerously low levels. If you take any type of medication that lowers blood sugar, consult your physician prior to taking bitter melon supplements.

    Note: I have a tendency towards diabetes but control it with diet ([practically no sugar or very little and very little flour or flour-based foods). I guess I am someone who should never consume bitter melon. Live and learn (hopefully not always the hard way)! :)

    Have a good day!

    On a happy note, Mr. J. didn't have supper with me as he had already eaten. I will just take this experience as something I needed to learn for another time. I have a strong interest in holistic medicine, so this is just a learning experience.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Oh-NO MrsJ!! So sorry to hear the bitter melon did not agree with you. How awful to have ventured to try something new and then have it make you sick. I hope you feel better soon. The picture is good though.
  • Cosmicmother 5 years ago said:
    Oh no, I hope you feel better soon Mrs.J!! Don't worry about responding to your post, you just rest and take care!
  • mommyluvs2cook 5 years ago said:
    Awww, I'm so sorry you are having bad side effects from the bitter melon Mrs. J. Who would've known?! I am noted to just stay far away from it. Hope you feel better soon!
  • Ladybug_MrsJ 5 years ago said:
    Thanks ladies! I "slept" (more like I was unable to move) for nearly 36 hours straight and I think I will go back to bed now that I have had a chance to wake up and drink some maple syrup! I could barely stand. I could think of several things to do to improve my condition, but I was too physically weak to implement them (i.e. bath with baking soda, shower, aromatherapy oils, vitamin C flush, energy healing).. I still haven't had a chance to fully research bitter melon, but my initial research did not mention fever, chills, or muscle tremors. I was just trying to figure out if it was possible that bitter melon was making me sick. A quick web search just now mentions something called G6PD deficiency. I read, "Don't take bitter melon if you have G6PD deficiency. You could get a condition called "favism" after you eat bitter melon seeds. This can cause severe symptoms like headache, fever, stomach pain, and coma." Anyway, the short version of this story is this recipe will be very memorable for me. I will do some more research later when I am better.
  • mommyluvs2cook 5 years ago said:
    All that sleep probably helped out a lot Mrs. J, so glad you are feeling a tiny bit better and up and moving around some :) Keep us updated on your findings and how your doing!
  • eastcoaster 5 years ago said:
    Oh my MrsJ, i am very happy your feeling better, what a thing to go through.
    HUGS to you...
  • Ladybug_MrsJ 5 years ago said:
    Thank you everyone. I was quite sick for about 42 hours, but I am out of the worst of it now. On the plus side, I've had a valuable education on the properties of bitter melon! :)
  • Good4U 5 years ago said:
    Wow! Who would have thought it could cause all those things, MrsJ! Glad you figured it out and let us know. Also pleased to hear you are on the mend.
  • Ladybug_MrsJ 5 years ago said:
    BIG SMILE! Thanks Good4U! I am actually glad for the experience! I am very interested in holistic medicine, and I got a source of inspiration to study something new! I am fine today - no issues. Have a good day everyone! Just to let you know, I won't likely be around for awhile. God bless.
  • mommyluvs2cook 5 years ago said:
    Glad you are all better Mrs. J!! Sad to hear you won't be around for awhile, hope everything else is okay!
  • Ladybug_MrsJ 5 years ago said:
    Thank you. Oh yes. I haven't quite left just yet - in a few minutes or so. I am just busy doing other things. God bless.

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