Pasta Fagioli

  • Cosmicmother 4 years ago
    ~Made for Jan. 2020's "Bean and Legume" Recipe Challenge~

    Pasta Fagioli Soup by DebbyJean

    This was a good, hearty, filling soup for this extremely chilly -40C degree and below weather we're having this week!! (We were the coldest place on Earth the other day!)
    I've never made this soup with beef broth and tomato paste before. It made it more rich and hearty. I couldn't find the rosemary and oregano canned diced tomatoes so I used one with Italian seasonings in it. I would have liked a bit more herbs in the soup, perhaps some oregano along with the basil and thyme. But that's probably due to the different canned tomatoes.
    I could not find any type of small soup-pasta at the store so I used the same amount of macaroni, and instead of fresh parsley I used finely chopped baby spinach.
    My Dh was helping with the soup, while I was chopping the veggies and opening cans etc. he was cooking it for me. After the soup simmered for 30 mins I opened the fridge and saw the package of sausage sitting there! I had every intention of browning the meat first, gah! So I quickly rolled the sausage into meatballs and dropped them in the soup, hence why they're so pale in colour! But the soup still tasted good!
  • LindaLMT 4 years ago said:
    LOL! that you almost forgot the sausage Shona. Taste is all that matters. Pasta Fagioli is one of my favorite soups but I'm particular about how it's made and was spoiled by a restaurant we use to go to when we lived in NJ, they made the best!, and every one/every place has their own version. Great picture!
  • mommyluvs2cook 4 years ago said:
    Holy cow on how cold it is for y'all Shona! Lol, we are currently in the 70's. This looks so good, and perfect for your freezing weather! I have never seen that type of canned tomatoes, interesting! Good call on rolling the sausage into meatballs, looks delicious :)
  • Cosmicmother 4 years ago said:
    Thanks ladies! :)
    We got down to -50C with the wind chill, and will again tonight and tomorrow morning. I can't wait for it to warm up next week! Our hot water pipes froze yesterday, so I had no way of washing dishes! With a hot hair dryer and some extra heaters we were able to unfreeze them last night and have to keep a hot water tap dripping. :S
  • mommyluvs2cook 4 years ago said:
    Omg what a nightmare Shona!

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