Quiz 1

  • lovebreezy 15 years ago
    Who was the first to use sassafras leaves as a seasoning?
  • ladyarp 14 years ago said:
    I believe that the Choctaw were the first to use sassafras as a seasoning. My husbands family are Cherokee (supposidly from the Long hair clan) which with the Choctaw and other tribes made the Five Civilized Tribes. Unfortunatly his family is not listed on any of the roles. Leave it to the government to make a race prove by a piece of paper that they are who they are! His great grand-mother lived during the removal and told his grand-mother about the time. She fleed with a few others to the deep forest of the smokies. As to why her name is not on the roles, she said she was to scared to admit she was Cherokee.

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