Cookin' up a storm Friday!

  • chuckieb 8 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone! Another sunny albeit chilly morning here.0C/32F. No major plans today but I do have a lot of cooking I want to do.

    After my purchase of the duck necks and chicken feet yesterday I want to make up that Bone Broth. But....the one ingredient short fairy visited and I need to make a run into town to purchase a bunch of Flat Italian parsley. Will try head in asap.

    Trying two new recipes for dinner this evening. A Tangled Thai salad (FINALLY going to try out my new Spiralizer that I bought last year!) and a Mongolian Beef. The salad has all sorts of veggies in it...beets, napa cabbage, carrots, etc. and a lime peanut dressing. The Beef recipe uses flank steak, marinated and then stir fried.

    Want to do a walk today too.

    Anyone got any plans for the weekend? Sunday is May 1st already!

    Wishing everyone a great day! TGIF!!!!

    Linda, did you get an appointment yet for them coming to put your new computer in?
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Good Morning All!

    Brrrr, still?? It's 83 (f) at the present time here. Sunny and not a cloud in the sky but that can change at anytime and we'll get rain. Both dishes sound fantastic Janet! DH bought me a spiralizer several months ago that I have yet to use. Please let us know how all your dishes turn out.

    I'm so happy ... I wrote to Publix (grocery store I shop at), the corporate link, and asked if they would consider ordering in the canned coffee I drink (Café du Monde) and I received an email from them this a.m. letting me know it's in the store I shop at! Now I don't have make a run to another store to get it.

    DH and I are going to meet friends out for dinner tonight at an Italian restaurant that has really good huge meatballs. It's their specialty. They are almost as good as mine (LOL!) Will probably order spaghetti and meatballs for an entrée.

    Geek Squad is scheduled to come out next Friday and they are bringing a new computer and setting everything up with no additional charges. I just have one problem ... when they copied all my documents over to the new computer there are two documents that are now on it that are very sensitive and I don't want them taking the broken one away without somehow removing them. Lesson learned to password protect certain documents.

    Need to get some meats for the freezer. Stopped at Costco yesterday but what I wanted didn't look all that great. I'll try again, see if it rotated out and what new is now in its place.

    I'm hoping to make a batch or two of soap this weekend. I'm getting low and homemade soap takes a minimum of 4 weeks to "cure" so within the next week or two I should make some. I bought a new scent that I want to try ... Wildflower Honey ... that should be nice for this time of year. I love making soap, it's only for personal use though or gifts for friends but it's fun and each batch, each bar is unique.

    T.G.I.F. ... have a great one!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi Janet.

    Cloudy today with highs around 66F depending on cloud cover. Storms forecast tonight.

    Boo on the naughty little fairy striking again. I think I would substitute rather than go hunt for flat parsley. Ha ha ha! Which is probably why I never follow a recipe the same way twice. GR has been good for me, I post a recipe and can retrieve it to follow exactly when Wayne requests it again!

    I have decided we must have a ghost at work in the house. (Kidding.) Came home last night and set my Kiwi-strawberry flavored water down to finish after putting away groceries. A.C. popped out the door and I grabbed Fritz so Wayne could get him inside, setting the drink down as I grabbed he dog leash. No drink anywhere.....we scoured the house twice. It just up and disappeared. Aargh!

    Guess I better try some laundry again. Hopefully the repair dude will be able to fix it, probably needs a new pump and bearings. Groan. Wayne is talking about going to a neighboring fire department benefit concert tomorrow night...probably bluegrass...either that or an auction.

    See you later. Have a good day.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    SP Linda.

    Love homemade soaps. I look for them at craft shows and the like. They make wonderful gifts.

    Boo on the document problem. Maybe ask them how they permanently delete stuff? My MAC has a password for me and no one else can access my documents, not that any one else uses it. Wayne is a Windows user but I love my MAC. Good luck.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    That's great you can get your canned coffee locally Linda. I've found stores are pretty open to bringing in products if you ask them to. Have a wonderful time at dinner. Do you have your meatball recipe posted? Hubby LOVES meatballs, I'm kind of meh about them. Go you on making soap. My neighbour and I did a batch years ago and it was a lot of work and a lot of fun. It used lye, does yours? I buy homemade soaps for myself allll the time. Love licorice, lavender, patchouli the best. :)

    Hi Karen! I really wanted to try the Broth recipe exactly as written the first time just to see what all the fuss is about. Normally I'd sub or omit as well. That's funny about the missing drink. Let us know if it appears. :) A Bluegrass concert sounds fun.

    I got what I wanted at the store. Bought another three lbs. of chicken backs which were way better priced than the duck necks and chicken feet. Had a big discussion with the two guys behind the butcher counter. They had my Brodo cookbook back with them there and everything. LOLOL. They couldn't believe how many pounds of chicken parts I needed. The original recipe calls for 15 lbs. but I'm halving it. Then they were a little squeamish about the chicken feet (which is amusing seeings they're in the 'biz). It was pretty funny.

    First hour of soup making is over. Had to do a lot of skimming. Now it simmers for another hour and a half before I add the veg. House is starting to smell nice. Need to go and pull out some dead leaves from my lily beds as the new plants are coming up in between them.
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Haven't posted meatball recipe (yet) but will next time I make them and measure my ingredients as opposed to starting with a handful of this then adjusting to taste. I need to write my meatballs up and also I use pretty much the same ingredients (except egg) to make a cooked ground beef mixture with crushed whole peeled canned tomatoes that is tossed with Ditalini to make a homemade version of what I call Beef-O-Roni.
    Is it soup yet Janet?
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Janet, the missing drink appeared - cats had evidently knocked it down from the stand and it rolled almost under the chair. Wayne's buddy noticed it when he came inside. Of course, we had BOTH searched forever last night with no luck. His buddy got a large kick out of it. But I finally got to enjoy it. No poltergeist resides here....ha ha! Still curious about the recipe!

    A.C. is outside stalking imaginary critters, climbing trees, and having a good time. He is one happy cat. As long as Geezer remains out of the area all is well. Sort of a musical cats day!

    Wayne is snoozing and has Mel and Fritz on the recliner with him. Trouble is purring loud enough to wake the dead, curled up with her head on my left arm, making typing a slow process. Sigh! Mauser attempted to add to the pile with Wayne but elected to avoid Fritz's alert little look, she is asleep on the rocker...or pretending to doze, whichever. It is cool and damp outside so the guys elected to postpone climbing the ladder and/or attempting to paint the window. High of 66 today.

    Wayne is debating going to an auction just over the Arkansas border. It is quite a ways off and he is still thinking it over. It would be a long drive. Fritz may be the deciding vote -- could he tolerate being cooped up for the day????? We would not be able to stay for the entire auction....hmmmm! that is one way to get home at a decent hour --- heh heh heh! I have a feeling it will mean stay home.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Will look forward to your Meatball recipe Linda. Jim will be tickled if I make them for him. The Beef-a-roni sounds good too. I used to date a boy in highschool who's Mother made the greatest hamburger casserole with noodles and tomatoes. I've NEVER had such a good one since but am always on the lookout. No....2 1/2 more hours before the stock is done. Then it has to cool and I have to take all the bits out. I must say it is 100% clearer than the stock I make with my leftover roasted chicken bones and carcasses. I guess due to using fresh bones that haven't been cooked plus I skimmed this as guided to. It smells wonderful.

    LOL @ locating the missing drink. Mystery solved Karen. Glad A.C. is enjoying his outdoor time. Wayne sounds pretty comfortable surrounded by all those happy animals. :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Hi all! Ugh,it's late. Bri had a tournament tonight, and the last game was at 8:40 which put us at home after 10p. Tournament starts back up tomorrow, but it is supposed to pour down, so not sure if it's going to happen. Today was mine and Michael's 9th anniversary :) Of course wouldn't it be typical we spent it at the ball fields :) Hope everyone had a great day, may not catch up until Monday depending on this weekends schedule! Good night :)

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