Fresh, fallen snow Friday......

  • chuckieb 7 years ago
    Good Morning everyone! I just wrote out a whole post and closed the window by accident. Argh. :)

    Woke up to a good two plus inches of fresh fallen snow. Freezing rain is forecast for this afternoon. I was supposed to meet two friends for lunch today in Almonte but one has cancelled. We're eating at the Superior Restaurant which hasn't had a decor change in 50 years but the food is excellent and so are the prices. I'm looking forward to a catch up with my friend.

    Gonna make
    Cocktail Meatballs
    for dinner this evening with garlic mashed potatoes on the side and some sort of veg.

    Jim and I borrowed a movie from the library last night that we can watch this evening. "Snowden".

    Wishing everyone a lovely Friday.

    "Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow........"
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone!!

    Got a whole chicken in the crockpot that I seasoned last night for dinner tonight. I haven't done the whole chickens in some time after buying some rancid ones from Costco over a year ago. Kinda killed my desire for them but it's been long enough. Will make mashed potatoes and I'll see what veg needs to be used. The recipe makes some great gravy and I love using my crockpot.

    Good info on regarding plants/planting Karen. Thank you! I've heard of diatomaceous earth, just never used it. Never heard of Savin dust but will look into it. There may be tomatoes in my future after all.

    Bummer on accidently closing your post Janet. Can't believe you got more snow!!! Have fun at lunch and yum on your meatballs, that's a good idea for dinner.

    Need to get to the post office and will after lunch. Need to mail my taxes and need them to calculate the postage and also provide proof they were mailed. It's a little breezy and cool here today. It's mid 70's but it's the breeze that makes it cool. I can't believe I'm saying mid 70 temps are cool.

    That's about it for now. Hoping everyone has a great day.

    Anyone hear from or is able to reach out Shona? Worried about how she is doing.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    Good Morning!
    Ugh! I am not pleased about the snow nor the freezing rain either, Janet. It seems March has come in like a lamb this year and maybe out like a lion. As the the old saying goes "It ain't over until the fat lady sings". Drive carefully and enjoy your lunch and dinner tonight.

    Buying rancid chicken would put my taste buds off for quite awhile, myself, Linda. Something like that must have happened in Den's father's family b/c Den never had chicken growing up and it wasn't until college when he first tried KFC. I hope you enjoy your chicken tonight. Sorry but I have to giggle about 70F being cool:) Shona has been away on a bit of a vacation with Sophia touring dinosaur museums etc. The kids are on March Break and she is going to see the doctor today again about her shoulder.

    Just so you know my desk top computer started acting up yesterday afternoon and I couldn't get on the internet. Then I tried my laptop and it went wonky too! My desktop computer is really a dinosaur. I am on Den's laptop at the moment. We will be bringing my computer tomorrow to the computer place to see if Window's 10 can be loaded on it. If not then we will buy a new one. So I might not be able to be on for a few days. I just thought I would let you know. I also don''know how like using laptops at all either. I don't know how you all can type on those little screens on your phones. I don't know what I am having for dinner yet but rest assured Den will have rib eye steak and fries.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Boo on losing your post, Janet. My internet was so bad that I used to write the post on Pages and copy and paste just in case it disappeared. Thinking if freezing rain were in the forecast I would probably cancel on lunch also, but enjoy your time with your friend.

    Linda, the best time to put the Savin dust on is after tomatoes are formed, otherwise you risk endangering bees. Of course, being inside a screened porch, that should not be a problem. I usually sprinkle the d.e. around the base of the plant, also not bothering bees.

    Thanks for the info on Shona, Joce. Good to hear she is okay. My laptop is easy to use -- large enough to see easily -- we don't own a desktop any more. The phone is a royal pain but I can text and post if I want....forget the card games, can't read the cards for being too small. Wayne's laptop is showing signs of leaving this world, he has Windows 7 on it. I think.

    It is windy and possible severe storms tonight. Have to take GS to his end of season swim party so when we take him to daughter's work, the storms should be rolling in. Lovely weather. Ha ha.

    Our electricity is out. The home generator kicked in and we have power. Drier is going but have decided to hold off on using the washer for it goes on -- kicks off - off again etc. Tree probably hit the line somewhere.

    Laptop is down to 7 % so must scoot. See you later.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Thanks Joce for letting us know you might not be up and running for a few days due to computer problems.
    I too prefer a desktop. I have an all in one and I love it. No computer tower and the screen is touch sensitive so I can use either a keyboard or my fingers. I very rarely use my phone because it's too small but if I do I have the voice thing that I can use where I press the button talk and it types. Have to check though what it writes because sometimes it doesn't quite get it right.
    Thanks too for letting us know about Shona. It's a relief to know she is well.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    No worries about me hurting the bees Karen. In that the space is screened in too I am so aware of anything I/we do outside as to not cause them harm and I only buy organic honey so I support their plight as well. People just don't get it.
    Oh no on loosing power. At least your generator is working. Hoping it comes back on soon. Be careful driving.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    The chicken recipe looks yummy Linda. I think it's called Sevin dust, not Savin. (Going from Hardware store memory). I've been a little worried about Shona too. She is on Facebook but doesn't come on very often so I can't reach her that way.

    Oh good Joce that you know Shona's okay. :) Very fun on the Dinosaur Museums. Oh dear @ the computer problems. :( Hope the computer store gets you fixed up. I do like my desk top the best to as I can sit in a proper chair and type with both hands without balancing the laptop on my lap. I don't know how people can type on their phones either. Yummers on Rib eye steak.

    Fun on your GS's end of year swim party Karen. Hope the storms stay away 'til everyone is home safe and sound. OH NO on your electricity being out. Argh.

    I'm home safe and sound now but the drive (especially there) was HORRIBLE and I really should have turned around and come home. The roads were covered in slush with only two tire tracks clear. Everyone was going slower than the speed limit and the road spray was awful. I did have a yummy Cheeseburger with fries and gravy and a good catch up with my girlfriend. Glad to be home now though. Jim fed my birds for me.
  • kimmer 7 years ago said:
    Good afternoon all. Oh no on the power being out! Hope it's back on by now. Glad you made it home safe and sound Janet. I do not miss driving in those conditions at all! I tried growing tomatoes once but they didn't really turn out well. But I was a young mother then, plus took care of my MIL, plus worked so didn't have the time to really tend to them. Seems something was always munching on them too, lol! I use to grow basil too. But that was in an inside garden window and was easier to care for. Now that my schedule isn't as hectic as it was perhaps I'll try again. I have a screened in porch area plus my lanai. I prefer my laptop as I can go where ever I want in the house with it. It's a notebook and very light weight. I mainly only use my desktop for work or sometimes playing games as the screen is huge compared to my laptop. My grandson and I like to play those hidden object games together and the desktop is so much better for that.

    Well, I think hubs and I are going to try a night out to eat again. Especially since the boys won't be home for dinner tonight. Might try PF Chang's again. Most spring breaks, at least the local ones are done now. And I think I can book a reservation on line. Going to look and see. If not we will find somewhere to go I'm sure. Pizza last night was delightful. We always order a meat lover's Janet with extra cheese. And then of course I have to order a plain double cheese one for the boys. Kids! They just can't appreciate the flavor of an "adult" pizza!

    Better see about making that reservation if I can. Enjoy the rest of the day all!
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Just a quick hello. Thanks for letting us know about Shona, I was beginning to worry. I'm having a difficult time typing as I feel on the ice today and my wrist is really sore, nothing broken I'm sure.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Ha ha, yes it is Sevin, not Savin. We shall remain charitable and blame it on the iPhone...hee hee. Glad you made it back safe.

    Linda, I don't buy processed pasteurized honey either. Plain old local raw organic honey. I stocked up on it and don't worry if it crystallizes. We try to avoid Roundup and chemicals outside if at all possible.

    Hi Bren and Kimmer.

    Power came back this afternoon. The transition back from the generator is almost instant, just a flicker in the lights.

    GS gets an award tonight ... he doesn't know. He just climbed out of the pool and sitting along side ??? What is going on. He is either having migraine or did not eat anything this afternoon before we picked him up. I am not happy with him if that is the case.

    Storms seem to be slowing down so may not get them after all. Sigh! Need the rain.

    See you later.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Hope your GS is ok Karen. I like to try different honeys ... I always seem to have at least two on hand, as long as they are raw and organic I enjoy them. So far one of my favorites has been a local honey, saw palmetto, its dark and not too sweet. I'm amazed at how different different types of honey taste.

    Oh no falling on the ice Bren. Hope your wrist feels better soon. I'm guessing you fell on your right hand?

    Hope your able to enjoy PF Changs tonight Kimmer. What's your favorite dish or dishes there? No surprise about extra cheese on your pizza LOL!! 🍕

    Chicken dinner was great tonight. The chicken was fall apart tender and incredibly moist. I'll make chicken salad with the leftovers and save the stock it made for when I make a chicken based soup. Fed the scraps to the raccoon who I'm sure is going to be very happy.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Thanks Janet for noting sevin dust. Will be looking into it. We had to stop at Lowes today to get more stuff to patch the hairline cracks in the stucco and while there I bought a rosemary plant and dirt and will get it potted tomorrow. Love ❤️ fresh rosemary!

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