
  • Good4U 6 years ago
    Where is everyone? It is almost 1:30 PM here!
    Nothing much happening here today. I am just relaxing and playing on the computer and wanted to start a thread.
    Glad Pete spoke to the neighbour, Shona. I hope that helps.
    Not sure what we are having for dinner yet.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Hi. It is quiet here also, Joce.

    It is 12:49 in the Ozarks. Fixed zucchini, onion, kielbasa, and eggs for lunch. Made 4 loaves of zucchini bread. I am ready to sack out for a nap!

    Fritz had a long morning nap. He woke up once and panicked bec he was alone. As soon as he trotttrd into the kitchen and saw me, he relaxed and went back to sleep. Crazy dog.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Sent one loaf home with Wayne's buddy. We had the one at lunchtime. Will freeze the other two for later this winter.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon Joce! I drove into town after breakfast and had some 'me time'. :) Was grumbly yesterday so decided to indulge myself a bit. Not that I'm a hugely indulgent person, but I went and got some more fresh tomatoes at a farm stand so I can make another batch of gazpacho. I bought some lobster tails to go with some filet mignon for dinner tonight and a nice bottle of red wine. And I went and bought a bunch of books to send to Benjamin for Christmas. Takes three months for a parcel to get there if you don't mortgage your house for postage so I'll get that off soon. It was fun.

    That's fantastic Pete handled the neighbour and the issues Shona.

    Guessing you had tons of zucchini in your garden to harvest Karen. :) Is it a savoury bread or a sweet bread.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    You have been the busy one today, Karen. Too cute about Fritz calming down after he saw you. Did you get him a thunder jacket yet? I was reading more about them and they said dogs who were nervous could wear them all the time to calm them down. A great invention I think.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Hi, Janet. Glad you were able to have some me time and pick up a few things. Your dinner tonight sounds fabulous to me. Before I forget if you end out coming to Perth and go the Foodsmiths pick up some of the things you like from Pepper and Pestle b/c I am not sure what is happening with them. The owner retired recently and I checked online and they seem to be closed. I hope someone else takes over b/c I will really miss their stuff.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon!

    Hi Joce! Wow, yes, it's very quiet today. Hope you have a nice relaxing day today :)

    Wow Karen, that's a lot of baking and cooking. Hope you get a nap! :)

    I've just been cleaning, exercising, washing sheets and making beds. Just had a shower and I need to pick up a few things from the store. Colter is having some friends over so I need to have snacks for a bunch of teen aged boys ;)
    We're having roasted chicken breasts with corn on the cob and the leftover cabbage salad. I put a small roast beef in the crockpot because the best before date is tomorrow. It smelled ok but I didn't want to chance that it could be bad tomorrow.
    My mom called and interrupted my typing! Hopefully I didn't miss anyone! Gotta run, check in later :)
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Yep, figured I missed someone!
    Hi Janet!! Sorry you were grumbly yesterday. Glad you got some me time this morning. Wow, sounds like you have a wonderful meal planned!
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    We have another mouse in the house! It is quite chunky and hiding under the tv cabinet. Fritz runs from side to side, Trouble changes sides with him every few minutes. Mauser appeared out of nowhere to join in, her hunting skills are not stellar, however. We set two different type mouse traps underneath but so far it has ignored them. That is our entertainment.
  • Cosmicmother 6 years ago said:
    Joce, we have the thunder shirt. It works great for when there's fire works, car rides, vet visit's etc...but they can't really relax or sleep with it on. We've tried to calm Roxy's anxiety but after 5 years she is the way she is, lol ;)
    Hopefully someone takes over the Pepper & Pestle! It's sad to see small business's close their doors :(
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    SP Shona, Janet, Joce!

    I did not plant zucchini, they were a gift from a lady at church. More coming Sunday, plus small pumpkins.

    I seldom pay attention to Best Buy dates, Shona, unless they are way off. We lived without them for ages .... ha ha! If it smells and looks good, I figure it is safe. Enjoy. God to hear Pete took care of the neighbor issue.

    No I have not got the thunder shirt yet, Joce.... three weeks of no rain put. It to the back of my mind. Must get moving on it.

    Your dinner sounds great Janet!

    Time to crash. See you later.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Joce, I'll die if Perth Pepper & Pestle goes out of business. :( I'd brought a jar of their Bombay Spice Pepper Jelly with me to Rainy River and served it a few times as an appy with crackers and cream cheese. My Aunt Irene, her grand-daughter and her daughter LOVED it and I was going to bring them each a jar next summer. I'll have to go scoop some up now and mail it at Christmas perhaps.

    Sounds like you have all sorts of things on the go today Shona. Fun that Colter is having some friends over. I used to LOVE making snacks for Benj and his friends when he was younger. Both the meals you're cooking up sound yummy.

    Yikes on the mouse Karen. :( I saw a hilarious post on FB about a woman thinking she had a dead mouse on her son's bed. I'll see if I can find it and post here for a giggle.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Here it is....LOL.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Good Almost Evening everyone.

    Got caught up in things first thing. Had to go grocery shopping today to pick up fresh items like veggies and greens for Bella and before we did that we wanted to stop and see the elderly woman we are guardians for. We tried to call her the last few days but their phone lines have been down so we stopped there to make sure all was ok and it was.
    A lot of the grounds workers were effected from the storm (house damage, flooding, etc). Instead of being home taking care of their business most of them are here working. Management sent out an email for non-perishable goods so we took stuff over that we bought for the storm that we now won't use and then when we went grocery shopping I picked up a case of water, peanut butter, and some other canned goods to donate. I'm counting my blessings.

    I'm glad talking with the neighbor helped Shona. Still, why does someone need to speak to someone else about such a thing. Common sense and courtesy should be in their brains.

    LD does the same thing Karen. If he falls asleep and I walk away he panics when he gets up. He is such a mama's boy. Yum on the zucchini bread. Hope you catch the mouse soon.

    Glad you got some "me" time in Janet. Lobster tails and Filet sound heavenly as does the bottle of red. Can't wait to get my new grill so I can start grilling again.

    Thanks for getting a thread started Joce. Happy you are having a relaxing day.

    I'm not that hungry for dinner so I'll make a salad for myself and use up some of the veggies in the fridge and slice some left over chicken from last night on top. I pulled out salmon for DH and will make that for him with a veggie and rice side.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hi Linda! It's great you got some grocery shopping done.Very nice of you to donate some food to the senior's place. You are absolutely right to count your blessings! I'll have your DH's dinner choice please. :)

    Just in from a Hot Tub. It's such GORGEOUS weather. Watching another movie tonight. This one is called The Comedian starring Robert DeNiro.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Do let us know how the movie is. I haven't seen it.
    Hopefully our Satelite dish will be repaired tomorrow. Right now I'm limited. I have the iPad hooked up to the tv and am using DIRECTV app to watch something.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Mouse got hungry and trespassed on the trap. It is no more. i think the drought is driving them inside.

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