Magical Monday

  • LindaLMT 6 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone!

    It's a beautiful sunny day here in SW Florida. Temps all week are suppose to be in the mid to high 80s(f). They say we are having above average temps compared to other years. The baseball teams (Boston Red Sox and Minnesota Twins) are gearing up for Spring Training and more people are arriving including the players. We live very close to two major ball fields. One is so close I could walk to it. By no means is it in my back yard but if I went out our back entrance and walked it's about a mile or two away. We don't go to any games, neither one of us can sit in the sun or deal with volumes of people. I do get the schedules though because before and after a game you want to avoid the main road because traffic gets really backed up so it helps to know when games start and on what days.

    We plan to have lunch out today. We all need to get out, including the dog, so lunch it is. Not sure where we will go so I'll have to figure that out. Probably won't be very hungry for dinner so I will have to think of something light.

    What's everyone else up to today?
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Redecorating your porch sounds fun Kimmer and sounds like you did a great job and are happy with it. Too cute that Chloe wants to "kill" all the air plants. How did your soup in the Instant Pot turn out?

    That's great the girls had an awesome time Michelle. Emma's party? Did she have a birthday too? Yum on the tacos!

    I bet you are exhausted Janet. The skating, the outdoors, keeping up with kids who have never ending energy (LOL!). I bet everyone did sleep like a log. Wow on the 8 year old having a developed taste for mussels. I use to love them but not anymore. Those and escargot I could eat by the bucket and then my taste changed and I don't like either.
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Kimmer, I see you have the Toronto Blue Jays in your backyard for Spring Training. Does your area get crazy?
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Morning! Wow on your temps Linda!! Lol at getting the game schedules to avoid traffic, that's smart! Bri's best friend Emma's birthday is the day after her's. What a coincidence huh?!

    Today we are getting 2 guinea pigs from the rescue center about an hour away. Briauna is done with rats, they die too quickly, and it's a heartache every time :( Guinea pigs are supposed to live 4-6 years, so hopefully this works out well, and she has done so much research on them, that she could be a professional on them by now lol. She is letting Caiden claim one of them as long as he helps her take care of them and clean the cage. Of course though they are staying in her room. Her cage is big enough to fit 3 comfortably, and she was begging for 3 but I told her no, to start out with 2. She has disinfected the cage from top to bottom, so it's ready for them :) Took her 4 hours!

    So that's our plans for today, we will probably stop and grab lunch. Michael is going with us! His last night shift was last night and he has off until Friday. Since we don't have to leave until about 11:30a (the place doesn't open until 1p) he has decided to get up early and go, plus he needs to get back on a normal sleep schedule, so getting up early is probably the best, so he can get to bed at somewhat a normal time tonight and not 5am lol.

    Since I'm not sure what time we will be home, I am just going to heat up some tamales from the freezer for dinner, will be easy and quick :) Have a great day everyone!!
  • LindaLMT 6 years ago said:
    Wow on best friends having a birthday one day apart! That's so cool on adopting 2 guinea pigs!! They are fun and very "squeaky" but adorably so. I thought about getting one as a companion for Bella but they don't litterbox train so ... That's great Michael has the week off and you enjoy some time together.
  • MissouriFarmWife 6 years ago said:
    Wow on 80F temps Linda. Hope you enjoy your lunch out. I am sure LD will enjoy it. We don’t do well in the sun either, and I dislike crowds, so avoiding the games would be my choice.

    Sounds like the girls enjoyed theimselves Michelle. Guinea pigs are adorable. They should be a good pet for the kids.

    It is raining! Fritz is hiding in his crate....he hears thunder and is not going to come out of his cage. When it lets up we will take him outside for a bit. Mel is on my lap....I suspect his hearing is not so good anymore, as he usually hides during storms. The first round is over but more is on the way. No complaints, though. We need it for sure.

    It is 58F and may hit 70 if the cloud cover thins out. We have to take GS swimming tonight, otherwise we are staying home.i plan on getting the house in order for sure, otherwise nothing special.
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    Enjoy your nice weather, Linda. I am sure you will find a good place for lunch and I bet LD will enjoy his outing as well.

    The pics on FB show how the girls enjoyed themselves at Bri's BD party. I looked like they had a blast. Cool that Emma's BD is the next day too. Very pleased Michael is off and will be back to his normal schedule. My GS had Frank the guinea pig for years so I am sure these ones will do just fine.

    Poor Fritz being frightened by the thunder. Did you get him a thunder shirt yet? I know you were looking into it. Nice that Mel is cuddled up on your lap.

    It is Den's last day off before going back to work. It is a holiday called "Family Day" So banks and most stores are closed today. They say it is supposed to rain today but it is bright and sunny at the moment. We are having chicken something for dinner. Other than that nothing special happening here.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Hi Everybody and Happy Monday! :) Our guests left just before 11 a.m. so I've just been cleaning up the kitchen, chatting with Benjamin online and shaking the cobwebs out of my head. I went to bed by 11 last night but everyone else stayed up 'til 12:30 or so and these late nights and busy days take a bit for me to recover from. :)

    That's kind of neat that you can actually walk to that baseball field Linda. I can see quite enjoying that and going to see practices and games and such. Hope you find somewhere to go out for a good lunch.

    Too funny that Emma's birthday is the day after Bri's Michelle. :) How fun you're getting Guinea pigs. I never had them but my friend's daughter has two and they are hilarious. Will they be able to use the same cage the rats had? Let us know what she and Caiden name them. :) Fun that Michael gets to go with you on the jaunt and that you'll all go out for lunch. I've never made tamales and I'm not even sure I've ever eaten one.
  • chuckieb 6 years ago said:
    Good you're getting rain since you need it Karen. I guess your GS must be feeling all better now then.

    Hope Den enjoys his last day of holidays Joce. No rain here yet either and it's supposed to get quite mild as the week goes on! Enjoy your chicken something.

    I'm still not sure what we'll do for dinner. I have plenty enough leftover fajitas we could eat that (third time since Friday!!!!) LOL. I feel like making some home made soup.
  • mommyluvs2cook 6 years ago said:
    Hi Karen! Glad you are getting some rain, enjoy it!

    Joce, I'm really hoping the guinea pigs live a long time, the one's we think we are getting are both a few days over a year old. The kids may change their minds on which one's they want once we get there though. That's neat on Family Day! It's President's Day here.

    Glad you survived the late nights and busyness Janet, just relax today and take it easy!! I'll post pics. of the guinea pigs with their names on FB. They are all already named but I think Caiden plans on changing his :)

    On our way to the rescue center...going to stop and grab lunch first then we will meet our new family member!
  • Good4U 6 years ago said:
    I forgot to answer your question from yesterday, Janet. I just use cracker crumbs, bread crumbs or panko crumbs for my pork chops and I dredge them in beaten eggs first. Then fry them in a bit of peanut oil with melted butter and they turn out nice and moist. Take it easy today.

    Good luck with the additions to your new family, Michelle. Enjoy your lunch as well.
  • kimmer 6 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Fun on getting the guinea pigs! Busy day here for us. No shipments going out as the Post Office is closed due to President's day but still had a ton of orders to pull and pack for tomorrow.
    Beef stroganoff came out simply deelightful. Meat was so, so tender and tasty! Making chicken breasts with stuffing and green beans tonight. All in the Instant Pot! I just love this thing! It certainly is a "Magical" little bucket of fun!

    Enjoy the evening all.

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