Monday's Madness

  • LindaLMT 8 years ago
    Good Morning! It's Monday and the start of a new week.

    Hope Charlie's ribs are feeling better today Tina. I still can't believe someone kicked him like that. I empathize with what Allison is going thru ... is she a friend, a relative ... I'm sorry I don't know.
    When we came to Florida 2+ years ago I had dreams of a potted garden of veggies and flowers and herbs on the lanai. It however is so hot and humid that very little grew well. I had mold and mildew problems, microscopic bug problems, etc ... it just wasn't worth it. It's not you who has problems growing things, it's all of us.

    Karen, just incase you didn't see our messages to you last night, please go to the doctor!

    Keep us posted on the kitchen reno Shona. It'll be so nice when it's done.

    Plans went the wayside yesterday, seems they always do. At least I got some laundry done and vacuumed, also went to the gym. Quick trip to the grocery store and we went out to a local pizzeria for a chicken Caesar salad for dinner. Oh, and I did get a couple more things from JCP on-line.

    Husband is driving me nuts already today. He's decided to rearrange and clean the garage and even though I'm still in my PJs and haven't even had coffee yet I've had to go out and help. Trust me, the garage is just fine the way it is, he cleaned it last month! He just doesn't know what to do with himself. It's going to be one of those days.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Morning Linda! Yum on your Chicken Caesar salad last night. LOL. Your hubby and mine have very similar traits. :)

    Going to make Pork chops with Sauerkraut and Pearl Barley for dinner this evening. Jim wants to get his hair cut so we'll head into town after lunch and run some errands, do a Costco run, etc.

    I'm having a devil of a time with Jim's birthday present. I need to find something by Wed. Oh my goodness the pressure!!!
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Yum on the Pork Chops ... love Sauerkraut, I can eat it straight as is.

    What are some of Jim's interest ... perhaps we can help with some ideas?
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    I LOVE sauerkraut Linda. Tina has an awesome ssuerkraut soup recipe that I HIGHLY recommend.
    Sauerkraut Souppolish Style
    Check it out!
    Jim wants guy stuff that I'm having a hard time trying to locate. He mentioned this log holder that fits on to a trailer hitch, that supports the logs if you are cutting them. He saw it at a Backyard Exhibition LAST month. I don't know the name of it or the vendor. He wants a table saw. He mentioned some sort of solar flashlight that he saw at a Green Expo that I didn't even see.
    I'd go for the table saw but they're very expensive and I'm not sure which one is better suited for what he'll be using it for (and to be honest I'm not even positive what he'll be using it for).
    He also wants to take up fishing, so I thought I could go buy him a rod and a little tackle box.
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Saved the soup recipe! Thanks.
    OOooo, tough stuff to pick. I can see why you are having trouble. Probably best to stick with the fishing stuff. Good idea of a tackle box ... a hat or vest, fish cleaning stuff, etc. I'm sure someone at the store can point out some useful things to start with.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Hadn't thought of fish cleaning stuff Linda. Thx.
  • Good4U 8 years ago said:
    Lol Linda, My HB Den is like that he is an early bird and wants to get things done like that and he isn't even retired yet! Sounds like you had a very productive day yesterday.
    Tina, So sorry to hear Allison has lost so much weight. Cancer sucks! I agree with you to try and get her to drink Ensure. I would have kicked that guy from here to kingdom come. Poor Charlie Brown.
    How are you feeling today, Karen?
    Shona, I hope your kitchen sink was able to be installed. Good luck with the renovations.
    Michelle, I am amazed they didn't cancel the games b/c of the rain. I still can't believe how late they can be!
    I wonder if Jim took any of the vendors cards from the Backyard Exhibition. If so maybe he has them on his dresser or something? Strange I just can't imagine Jim fishing for some reason? He doesn't seem to like just standing or sitting around very much. What kind of fishing is he interested in? Casting, Fly Fishing or trolling? Lol I find fishing BORING! I know he was thinking about buying a kayak a year ago or so ago. Maybe buy a couple of day rentals for him or when you went to, I think it was Gananoque and stayed and kayaked for a couple of days. Good luck finding something for him.

    I am not up to very much today. I have to run out and pick up some milk and things this afternoon. We are having leftover roast chicken, with mashed turnip (rutabaga), mashed potatoes and gravy tonight.
    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Janet, I like the fishing equipment as a gift for Jim. I love the fishing hats and vests ala Tim the Toolman Taylor. Fred was impossible to shop for, as well. My fallback gift was the Hawaiian shirt collection. Lol. Yummy on pork chops. I have sauerkraut in the fridge. I'm thinking of Rueben casserole I saw on Facebook.

    Linda, Allison is my younger sister. She had stage 3 esophageal cancer that metastasized to her lymph nodes. She had aggressive radiation and her throat and tongue were burned badly so she couldn't eat for months. Her white cell count is low and we are hoping and praying she doesn't have leukemia.

    I am a native Floridian and have been a successful gardener in the past. My beloved husband, Fred, (deceased 1/2/15) made me a raised garden that I grew lettuce, cucumbers, watermelon, broccoli and corn. It was started with seedlings in March. My Momma had a garden back in the day and she even managed to grow sweet English peas.
    I had a garden window filled with African violets, a tree with ten different orchids tucked safely in the branches for shade. Fred and I planted impatiens in whiskey barrels, and a beautiful fountain (anniversary present) underneath the orchids for our front porch garden. We would sit in the deep shade and sip wine, chat, play with the kids listening to the trickling water. I had climbing roses on the pergola that Fred built and the "jolly green giant" swinging bench. I miss that cottage/bungalow. When we moved to this house, no shade, all Palm trees and a huge change in gardening. All heat, humidity, mold, sun and the host of issues you mentioned. Fred and I have killed more plants in the last eighteen years than I care to count.

    Scotty sent over a bunch of food from his parents recent vacation. I will have to inventory the goods and make us something yummy. I have three avocados and Cinco De Mayo is around the corner. There are potatoes and onions, too. Hmmmm. Time for coffee.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Hi. Joce, be kind to yourself and rest. I forgot about the hubby obsession with garages. Fred had a time with his penchant for collecting flotsam and jetsam.

    What did the pirate say on his eightieth birthday? AYE, Matey.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    GMTA Joce. I already went rooting around in his 'drawer' and in his card holder where he keeps such things and to no avail. Jim used to fish as a boy and thinks he'd like to give it a whirl again. He wants to fish for brook trout. I did buy him a weekend excursion kayaking in the 1000 Islands years ago. Your dinner sounds excellent.

    I never really thought about mold being a gardening issue but then again, it totally depends on where you live. I always think of you when I hear of Cinco De Mayo Tina cuz I think you're the first person I learned about it from. Love the pun.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    It's the oppressive humidity that propagates mold issues. My pale yellow house has a distinct green tinge from the overhanging Palm fronds. Fronds are gone and the green is still there. Pressure washing is in my future I believe.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    Linda, have you tried succulents? :-)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi all. I am feeling better and will probably go to the walk in clinic if it doesn't start to improve. Grrr! Hate going to doctors esp. if they are pill pushers.

    Washer repair guy said the cost would be Close to $900 so will let it grind away until it keels over. He recommended a brand that works well and is long lived -- Speed Queen. Very expensive. He wants the franchise to sell them, but until the other guy retires in a couple years he can't do that. Would have to go fifty to sixty miles to order one. $500 was for one part, the outer tub and bearing are a single unit, pump was $200, shipping almost $200. Special order.
    Ah, well, at least I got the back porch and kitchen and litter boxes cleaned. Cats are happy.
    Janet I solved Wayne's birthday question by taking him to Harbor Freight so he. Get the tool he wants. He is happy. His birthday is in June.
    Hi to Tina and Linda. Wayne just came in so must get supper. Venison roast is oven and potatoes are cooking. See you later.
  • LindaLMT 8 years ago said:
    Thank you for letting me know that Allison is your sister Tina ... I'm sorry you both are going thru this. I'll pray for strength for you both and that this will soon be behind you and she beats it.
    Have not tried succulents. For now I'm sticking with a few potted herbs that I use and I have 2 willow trees potted in big pots. I don't let the willow get big, just bushy. The bunny loves both fresh and dried willow leaves and the twigs so they are for her. When the willows look like they are starting to turn from being potted I'll root some wands and start over. They grow like weeds and as long as you keep the soil moist they do well. As for anything outside, since I'm in a development, they see to what is planted and take care of it which is fine with me.

    Ouch on the cost of getting the washer fixed Karen. You'd be better off buying a new one. Sometimes you can buy floor models or scratch and dents for a nice discount. Ask the store, they usually don't advertise something like that.

    It'll be an early night for me, have to take LD (the dog) to the dental vet a few towns down for his dental surgery tomorrow. Need to get an early start to the day. Please think good thoughts that all goes well. Thanks.

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