Saturday Shopping Quest

  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago
    Good morning.

    A bad storm hit as we were going into the RV show. Lightning was practically in top of us and the area was under a flash flood warning. The storm raged for over an hour. Our daughter was soaked when they went from swimming to the car, in Rolla.....the system was all over Central Missouri. We got a ton of rain at home.

    We drove through heavy rain yesterday and got home after 9 P.M.

    Walked all over the showroom and I climbed a zillion steps into RVs of all sizes. The 35 foot one, goose neck, would have required a bigger truck to pull....from back to front it was like a regular house. Living room has couch and two rocker recliners, electric fireplace heater, tv, full pantry dining area had adult size hideabeds, full kitchen with huge refrig., half bath, master bedroom, and then in the front a full master bath bigger than our main bathroom, with a huge shower and closet. At almost $90,000 we just drooled.

    This morning we at looking at four, at the same dealer we started out. They are a Jayco and a company that Jayco bought that have similar construction. They offered the Show price if we buy this weekend. I forgot the name of the second company! One is smaller but nice, one has more space, and two are goose neck with much more room. But not like the one we saw that would necessitate winning the powerball! We may buy one of the four, the plans are that we can travel in it and that in case the world explodes (ha ha) or our daughter needs to move in, our daughter could live in it at our place and we would both have our own space. The gooseneck style has enough room and has a nice interior. Crossing fingers.

    Last night we ate at Nonna's. Their beef tips with mashed potatoes and grilled asparagus are to die for. Took a picture but. My phone. Won't acknowledge I am in GR much less O.D.D. It just says to join if I want to comment. Computer and iPad are fine. Crazy Internet!

    Coffee is on and I need a bit of breakfast if I am to travel 60 ?? miles to look at the RVs! If prices are too high or we can't decide, there. Is another show in November. So we can wait if need be.

    See you later.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Here's my first Post:
    Good Morning Everyone! Yes, I know I've been talking about making
    Salmon Bibimbap
    for the last two days and haven't. a call from a girlfriend last night and she's going to come for lunch today, so......I am going to make Salmon Bibimbap for our lunch. LOLOLOL.

    Rain is forecast for today. We'll see if it happens or not. At least I got the lawn mowed yesterday. Was going to do a big cleaning on the inside of the house today but since I'm having company I shall happily push that 'til tomorrow. :)

    Not sure what I'll make for my dinner this evening. Gotta go check the 'menu' I drew up and see my options.

    Wishing everyone a great day!

    Joce, can you just get rid of the old one? Thanks.

    Goodness at your storm Karen! Those indeed sound like fancy RV's alright. Have fun doing more shopping today. Those beef tips sound delicious!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Decided to make Shake' n bake Chicken thighs for dinner tonight. Sliced tomatoes and avocado on the side.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Just had a Skype call with Benjamin. I'm smiling from the inside. :) SO good to see him. His girlfriend is down visiting him in Pingtung this weekend as it is the Mid-Autumn Festival and she got a bit of time off work. Benj is bringing her to Kaohsciung tomorrow and then to friend's for a wine tasting in the evening. He looks good. Work is going well and he is tutoring on the side too. Happy, happy.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Morning all.
    That sounds like quite the storm Karen. I don't envy your drive in heavy rain, I'm glad that you made it home safe. It's amazing what they can fit into the new RV's. Good luck finding something that fits your needs.
    Enjoy your lunch Janet!! It's overcast here, looks like we may get that rain. I haven't had shake and bake in years, enjoy!
    I had lunch with my sister yesterday, hadn't seen her in years so it was nice. I am finally going to have a quiet day, just grocery shopping and laundry on the list. Dinner will be grilled steak, baked potato and salad. Have a great day everyone!!
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Good Afternoon Everyone! Wishing you all a great Saturday.

    I don't mind rain but I do mind heavy rain when out and driving. Not fun Karen. Glad to hear though you enjoyed the RV show and hoping you'll find one that fits your needs. Will Fritz join you on outings in it?

    Have fun today having lunch with your friend Janet. Now you have even more reason to make your salmon. Good to hear all is well with your son ... did the typhoon have any affect on the area he lives in?

    Nice that you got to see your sister yesterday Bren and kudos to your quiet day, enjoy it.

    We were out and about early today. DH dropped his cellphone yesterday and killed it so we were off to the Verizon store early this morning to replace it. $$ OUCH! Had to pay off the old one and buy a new one ... Took LD with us because he just loves to people watch so me and the dog sat on a bench in the corner of the store. I read on Kindle and LD watch everyone. After we got a breakfast sandwich at Panera.
    I'm off to the grocery store in a bit to get fresh greens and other fresh items. Need to finish my list so I know what to get and too should probably look to get something for dinner instead of thawing something out.

    That's it for now ... hoping those who have been M.I.A. drop in soon.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Enjoy your quiet day to its fullest Bren! Your dinner sounds to die for! I haven't had a baked potato in some time now. Must short list it.

    We really didn't talk too much more about the typhoon Linda. Plus he was on a cheap tablet and his voice kept cutting in and out. :) He did say there was another one on it's way but I don't think it is going to make a direct hit on Pingtung like the last one did! Yay. Oh dear on DH's cellphone. :( Sounds like LD enjoyed the outing though. :) Nice at a Panera breakfast. :)

    We're getting a bit of a sprinkle. I went out and swept the interlock and also planted two fall mums that I bought recently, as well as moving a couple of petunias and nasturiums around. My summer flowers are still doing pretty good all things considered.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Mouse in the trap downstairs. Ugh. Gotta go dispose of it.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Oh no on a mouse Janet! They are so cute but I know they can carry all kinds of awful stuff so better out than in.

    Got a pork tenderloin at the store and wanted to make Joce's recipe with it but I'm lazy and will just rub it with Dijon, season, and grill it tonight but really do want to make her recipe soon. Bought greens for the bunny and strawberries for later. I got some Brussel sprouts too and they are huge! They are between 2-2.5" long and about 2" wide, they look like baby cabbages! I'll roast them with carrot and parsnip chunks and I have a package of green beans that need to be used so I'll roast them as well too.

    It's rumbling thunder out there so we should be getting some rain soon. I'll pull the grill under cover so I can continue with my plans for dinner.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Nice Janet!! It must be so hard having him so far away. Gross on the mouse, they are looking for a place to spend the winter at this time of year. It's been pouring on and off all day, not complaining though.
    Ouch on the cost of the phone, they can be very expensive. Such a cute pic of LD. Forgot to say congrats on the brown belt. How's that toe feeling?
    Lol, Linda...I did the same thing. We went to Costco and I bough a huge package thinking that I would make Joce's recipe and ended up grilling it and brushing on a balsamic reduction for the last few minutes. I am determined to get to that recipe soon. I love roasted brussels. There's a recipe that I use that has apples and cauliflower with the sprouts and for the last half of the cooking time I add golden raisins and pecans. When done a splash of balsamic.
    Change of plan for dinner. Hubs will have his steak but I bought some really nice looking mussels. I'm going to experiment with a white wine and non dairy creamer recipe. Wish me luck!!
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    I have absolutely no problems with mice, and agree on their cuteness, but they have to live outdoors, not inside my house. :) One year one or more had had a hey day in our storage room in the basement and they chewed up a lot of Easter and Christmas decorations, nice ones too! Plush bunnies, etc. I was really sad. :( Your pork tenderloin sounds yummy Linda. It has been raining here since lunch time which is awesome. A nice, soft but steady rain. The lawn is already looking greener. :)

    Your dinner sounds wonderful Bren. Both the steak and the mussels. I used to make a fantastic recipe for a white wine sauce and mussels that the Frugal Gourmet put out but I've lost it. :(

    Had a lovely lunch with my girlfriend. She arrived at 12:30 and we talked non-stop 'til she left at 5:30. It was so nice. She loved the Bibimbap and had never had it before plus it was her first introduction to Kimchi which she also really enjoyed, so the day was a success.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Which toe? LOL!! DH got my middle toe one week and the big one the next. My right arm is bruised as is underneath my collar bone on both sides. I often wonder at my age why on earth I am doing this? Thanks for the congrats Bren. :)

    Joce's recipe looks really good and I know I'll love it. Maybe making the stuffing one day and then stuffing and roasting the next. When I say I'm lazy it's not the cooking part that gets me it's the cleaning up. DH is just helpless in the kitchen and I really don't want him in the kitchen to help or to clean up. Friday when I took LD to the vet in the a.m., DH was chomping at the bit when I walked thru the door for something to eat ... he didn't know how to thaw the bread we bought to make a sandwich ... now that's helpless.

    The grilled pork tenderloin was really good. Finding quality pork here was a challenge but I finally found a good source and am happy with it. I roasted veggies (parsnips, carrots, and Brussel sprouts) and cooked the greens beans and then sautéed half of them in soy sauce with sesame seeds, they were just ok.

    Going to watch The Revenant tonight. It comes on at 9:00 ... hope I can stay awake till the end.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Hi all.

    Wayne is pretty good in the kitchen. He can fend for himself easily. Very seldom does a veggie cross his plate, however. Unless I fix it. I would love Brussels Sprouts with apples etc. but he won't touch them.

    We end up with mice some times but our roving mousetraps do tend to lower their numbers. Fritz is quite good at catching them. They are cute, germy little brats, but cute. Esp. the round eared housemice.

    Ugh on the typhoon! And the sore toes!

    We bought a fifth wheel RV. It has a foldout couch, two recliners, and separate living room setup. The dining room table can be put away between the two recliners. No island but the table has drawers. We get it next week. After putting the fifth wheel hitch on the truck. The next bigger one was awesome but our truck won't pull it's weight. I am happy.

    Boo on mouse destruction. They destroyed clothing, befouled paper towels, rendered bathroom tissue useless. But they are definitely cute.

    Time to collect the eggs. See you later.
  • chuckieb 7 years ago said:
    Goodness Linda, it makes me wince just to hear about it. I don't think I could do that. I make Joce's stuffed pork tenderloin a lot. Often I change up what I stuff it with. I'm not a big 'dressing' person so I don't do the bread part anymore but I often do garlic mashed potatoes and spinach with the bacon wrapped around outside. You could put virtually anything inside. I envy you watching "The Revenant" tonight. I can't wait to see it.

    Congrats on your RV purchase Karen! You'll have to post some pictures of it to show us soon. It sounds lovely. Fun on collecting eggs. How many are you getting these days?
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    Good gracious Linda, that's a whole lot of injuries. I would guess that you do it because you like to challenge yourself and because you can defend yourself. Both children took Taekwondo and have a photo with Grandmaster Tae Lee. It was the highlight of their year.
    I love cooking and don't mind the clean up, I find that it's easier to do it myself than look for things later. DH doesn't cook anything other than eggs, sigh. Your dinner sounds wonderful, love sesame seeds.
    Congrats Karen!! That sounds like it would suite the two of you. I envy your farm fresh eggs.
    I'm not much of a stuffing person either Janet but I like to follow the recipe the first time and then adjust it to my liking after that. I did buy some turkey bacon, we don't eat regular bacon and Joce did say that it could be made with the turkey bacon.
    The mussels were really good. I meant to put some red pepper flakes in but forgot so I didn't add that to the recipe.
    That's it for me today. Have a great evening everyone!!
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Sorry, no reading back, we had a tournament and it's been softball all day. I'm tired. We beat a big rival team, so yay, pat on the back and I am so proud and love these girls! This was a big win :) :) No food talk here except for fast food. 2 more games tomorrow so I'll see y'all on Monday. Hope everyone is doing well!!!!

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