Sneaky Saturday

  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago
    It is Saturday morning! 7:10 A.M.! Saturday has sneaked up on us - yesterday had to be Monday! Trouble has been petted and snuggled and given time to play. Wayne’s buddy is coming over and will probably pick her up from the bathroom and bring her here in the sun room. Which we thought of, but needed a while with a cup of coffee and PEACE. we figure he will get his cup of coffee, retrieve Trouble and come on in.

    We have a neighbor child’s graduation get together to attend this afternoon. Hardly know the girl, but it is nice to be included.

    It is raining again, very lightly. We are to have rain off and on this morning, then let up until 1, the party starts at 2 and they planned on having it outside.

    Mel has avoided getting on my lap since Trouble arrived. He sniffs for traces of the kitten, then slowly walks away and gets up on Wayne’s lap. He is adept at peering out of the sides of his eyes to keep track of what I am doing and whether IT has arrived. A.C. is too mercurial to trust anywhere in the vicinity without constant supervision. He would harm her in no time. Fortunately she is destined for barn life.

    I must snap a picture of Trouble soon. She is super cute and a very lively kitten. She may grow up to be another A.C. - no, no, a thousand times no, I couldn’t take two of him!

    Have a nice morning. Hope the drugs are still working, Janet.

    Marie? Michelle B.? Anyone?
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Good Morning Karen! I have just finished my second cup of coffee and am stretching into the morning. Have fun at the Get together this afternoon. Thunder showers are predicted for today but that's okay. I'm still supposed to remain sedentary so if it's pouring outside it's easier to sit inside with a book. I thought that you were considering allowing A.C. to be an outdoor cat as well? Drugs are still working fine thanks. I think I may stop the Percocet today as I have been okay with it 8 hours apart. The instructions said take every 4-6 hours as required.
    Had a great sleep. Am going to head over to the Farmer's Market this morning. I missed the Opening one last weekend and it's always so much fun to see what's for sale.
    Going to make Spaghetti for dinner tonight as I've been craving it. Easy peasy.
    NICE on your sushi dinner with your sister, her girlfriend and Rachel last night Laurie.
    Wishing everyone a really great Saturday.
    Today is my niece's Baby shower. Marcus has been doing really well and they've been transferred back to St. Catharines which is nice as now the Grand-parents can go visit. If he keeps gaining weight and eating well then he may be able to come home in a week's time. :)
  • Good4U 8 years ago said:
    I think the name Trouble for the wee kitty is a cute name, Karen. It is very nice you are included in the graduation celebration this afternoon. Enjoy your day.

    Janet, You sound like you are doing just fine. However, I don't know if remaining sedentary includes going gadding about at The Farmers Market? Take it easy and don't overdo it today. O.K. I am pleased to hear Marcus is doing so well and will be coming home soon. Spaghetti sounds like a perfect dinner for you to handle with a very tender mouth.

    Tina, What a super deal on the pizzas! Bummer on the pool motor:( I hope your chest feels much better today.

    Laurie, It sounds like you enjoyed your dinner last night. Are you working at Macy's today?

    Michelle, LOL You shop just like me:) I have a little saying on my time line page on FB which made me giggle. It says :
    I went shopping on an empty stomach and now I am the proud owner of Isle Four:)
    Did the neighbours come over after you put the pool on the front lawn and end out having a Pool Party last night?

    Marie??? Is everything O.K.? We haven't heard from you in quite awhile and I am getting worried about you!

    Our yearly neighbourhood garage sale is on today and as usual the neighbourhood is swamped with people, cars and trucks everywhere! I kid you not people where out there at 6:00 AM this morning wandering around! Fortunately we were able to get everything we needed done in advance. It is also Victoria Day Long Weekend here and now we are also swamped with tourists, cottagers and boaters again as well as this is a big tourist town. Now we won't be able to get easy parking or access to things until after Labour Day, when things settle down. Oh well on the plus side all the businesses are kept busy and that is important. On my way home from getting milk at the store yesterday I noticed a yard sale sign and I decided to check it out. It was in a neighbourhood I have never been in before and I must say the neighbourhood is beautiful with magnificent looking houses! I lucked in and bought one of those big electric bug zapper things for $10.00 and it was brand new in the box! We were going to buy one this year and they are way over $100.00! I also bought several hard covered books by Stephen King and other authors for a couple of dollars and a game called Food For Thought which seems like it is like Trivial Pursuit but all about food. It was also brand new and I got it for $2.00. I must say the couple who had the yard sale were very organized. They had their whole four car garage set up with tables and it was chocked full of neat things. One whole side was dedicated to Christmas things for people into that sort of thing. Also she had another section dedicated to collector dolls. The rest was a modge podge of things. I collect brass and I bought the cutest Solid Brass Frog laying down holding an umbrella which will be added to my brass collection. All in all I did very well:) Den will have his normal cheeseburgers and fries and I am not sure what I will have for dinner? Maybe I will have Salisbury Steak?

    Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Hi, Joce and Janet.

    Janet: A.C. was destined to be outside but Wayne negated that so he remains an indoor cat. Sigh. He is an anti-social brat with other cats, except for Mel. It sounds like you are ready to drop the pain meds, all right! Don't get carried away and do too much too soon.

    Joce: your yard sale finds were fantastic! The bug zapper alone is a good buy.

    Wayne's buddy stopped by, with Trouble's sister hidden under his jacket. A gray-black combo with white chin and stomach, she is so adorable. Now I need to find another name. And figure out better housing. Kittens are like kids, rooms need kitten proofing or they will get into all kinds of mischief. The two hissed at each other but within fifteen or twenty minutes were playing happily. They will go to the vet's on Wednesday, probably, for their initial shots, etc.
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    LOL Joce! I'll gad about slowly at the market. :) Honest to goodness one can't just sit down for three days straight. You'd go bonkers! And it's not like I'm in pain! :)Today I was able to start with salt water rinses so that should make things heal quicker. Wow on the neighbourhood garage sale. Jim and I always talk about doing one but haven't yet. We did once years and years ago when we lived in Constance Bay. You sure got some good deals at the one you were at yesterday! Both your dinners for this evening sound yummy.
    Oh my goodness Karen! Another kitten! Lucky you! I am jealous! :) They must be simply adorable playing together. Do get a picture for us. :)
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Back from the Market. It was busy but we didn't buy much today. A pkg. of Lemon Pepper Spice blend (with smoked salt) and a garlic baguette to go with our spaghetti this evening.
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Sounds like a nice trip to the F.M. Janet.

    O.K. the new kitten is named "Mauser" after a German handgun model. Trouble and Mauser are happily reunited and doing well together. Will put a pix on GR one of these days. Found the two snuggled together on the top bin of a wire towel rack. They are so cute! A.C. has had it with invading critters - he is a hoot.

    On the way to fix lunch then finish a load of laundry so I have something clean to wear this afternoon. It is casual but I really need a light shirt instead of a too-warm t-shirt. It is warmish and muggy outside.
  • notyourmomma 8 years ago said:
    I spent the am with the pool guy. He is a treasure. It is NOT a new pump motor at $405. It is a sloppy yard man, blowing yard waste in the pool that clogged the filter. He could have been dishonest and sold me a motor. We agreed to a weekly service now that summer is here and the pool gets rain and abuse to make it use chemicals more often. And we think we found a leak near the railing and he is sending a leak specialist, so I don;t spend the whole summer wasting water and money.

    Watching hockey and I'm worried about the Lightning. The Rangers are tough. I can not believe Callahan is playing when he had an emergency appendectomy last Monday.

    I'm worried about Marie, I hope all is well with her parents.

    I like the new kitty name. Pronounced Mouser?? Nothing like kitty fun to pick up your day. I think they will be fast friends and be fine barn cats. Have fun at the get together.

    Janet the Farm Market does NOT sound sedentary. As long as you went slow and take it easy this afternoon. Spaghetti sounds good but no beef here, I'll probably make a couple of boca burgers on bagel thins.

    Joce, you certainly made out well with your finds at the yard sale. The board game would be fun.

    I've been washing bedding in spurts, between dog duty and my legs are like jelly.
    I think I could drink a gallon of lemonade, but alas no lemons. It is hot outside.
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Can't wait to see the pictures of Trouble Karen! Aww too cool on getting her sister too!

    Glad you had a good time at the farmers market today Janet! So nice that your nephew is doing so well and that they may be able to come home soon, such great news!

    Ugh on your town being swamped Joce. Score on the bug zapper! Cool on the books and the game as well :) Yum on both of your dinners!

    I'm glad your getting your pool all figured out Tina...sounds like a lot of work ahead! Take it easy Tina!

    We had Caiden's last T-ball game today and they all got their trophies. Got pictures so as soon as I upload them to my computer and figure out how to get it situated right side up (lol), I'll post it. We are now huddled up in the living room watching Survivor on the DVR and Caiden is in the backyard playing with Lexi. Dinner tonight is a little scary. My dad gave me some dove breast a couple months ago and I have put off cooking them because I've never had it before! The neighbors swear it's delicious seasoned up then wrapped in bacon and grilled, SO that's what is happening! Trying to figure out still what will be going with it, I need to dig through my fridge. Hope everyone is having a great day!
  • chuckieb 8 years ago said:
    Glad you got the pool problem sorted out Tina. I behaved myself this afternoon and stayed on the couch. Watched a million episodes of House Hunter and dozed from time to time. Didn't catch the Lightening Game. How'd it go?
    Congrats to Caiden on his T-ball trophy! Interesting on the Dove breasts. I've never had that. Is this something your Dad caught or bought? :)
  • mommyluvs2cook 8 years ago said:
    Yeah he goes dove hunting a lot but I've always avoided eating it lol. Good to hear your taking it easy :)
  • MissouriFarmWife 8 years ago said:
    Tina, good the pool guy led you on the honest path! Take it easy, don't overdo. Yes, Mauser is pronounced "mouser." I thought of calling Trouble Ruger or Browning but decided to keep the name I gave her.

    Michelle, is this the end of T-ball for the school year? Dove breast should be good! I put a pix on FB of the two kittens. Will try to add one on GR one of these days.

    Back from the neighbor's, had a nice time. They have a zillion animals. One of their cats is a big grays dude with a way of trying to sneak food from people.

    Kitties are in a large carrier. This is one suggestion on acclimating them to older cats. A.C. Is quite interested in the two. Mel is ignoring them. I will have to remove Mauser and play with her on my lap or my ears will not ssurvive her meowing.

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