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Some more work Sunday

  • LindaLMT 7 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone!

    DH is spray painting the lanai brackets today because they oxidized and faded. I think it's needless to be doing but he wants to so ... I'm just keeping ahead of cleaning/housework waiting for "that phone call".

    So nice to have a producing strawberry patch Shona. How do you keep the critters/birds from stealing your bounty?

    Making chicken salad for lunch later and will probably go to the gym as well.

    Had problems with our lovely neighbors again yesterday. They had company and had cars parked on the street so no other cars could pass thru (they blocked the road), not right, so I called the police to come out. You are not even suppose to be parked on the street period but of course they always feel they are the exception to everything. Police came out and told them to move the cars, they moved one into the driveway and moved another to a different spot on the street. A few hours later police came back out and again told them to move the other car (perhaps someone else called or they were following up). When the police came out the second time their company left and I have her (our neighbor) on video survelliance flipping us the finger and yelling profanities. I sent the video clip and reported it all to our property management company so they could see first hand what these people are like who come off as "Saints" in front of others.
    Hopefully today will be quite.

    That's it for now. Going to get some laundry going and finish the chix salad.
  • Good4U 7 years ago said:
    What a PIA having such ignorant neighbours, Linda! I would have called the police as well! Enjoy your chicken salad for lunch and have a good work out too.

    It is pouring cats and dogs all day today which is good as we need it. You are certainly getting it in Ottawa, Janet. Just so you know. We are doing laundry today and we will probably have pork chops for dinner. Nothing much else is happening here. Lol I lead such an exciting life:)
    Hoping everyone has a great day!
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    I envy your life of peace and tranquility Joce, I'd trade you any day. Yes, our neighbors are horrible, and do you believe he's retired law enforcement and he and his family behave as such ... they should be setting an example not the opposite. I guess nobody has ever "stood up" to them before which is why I do what I do ... because too many other people won't

    Pork Chops sound good. Yipee for your rain.

    DH wants steak again (bought a package with 2 in them) so I'll cook up the other one for him tonight and I'm going to make this for me ...
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    That is awful Linda. We've been dealing with something similar but it's due to construction. They park everywhere including on the side walk. I've called numerous times. Some people have no class.I hope that property management will do something about it.
    The rain is pounding here Joce, really heavy. I'm doing MIL's laundry today and will be going to look at appliances later this aft.
    I'm not sure about dinner other than it will be something with ground beef as I caught a sale.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Oooh, or this ... I think this is more of the taste I'm looking for ...
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    We have sidewalk parking issues here too Bren. Enough is enough ... My thoughts regarding is when you accommodate and bend the rules for one person because you don't want to offend them you offend the rest of us who do live by the rules (which by the way are common sense) so I speak up because others are afraid to. I'm glad I have pictures and video showing all of it ... there is no disputing then what happened. Management is addressing the issues and hoping now they'll step it up after seeing what I sent them.

    Good luck appliance shopping. Hope you find what you want and at a good price too.
  • mommyluvs2cook 7 years ago said:
    Hello all! Ugh on your neighbors Linda, I really hope your property management will do something about them :( I have had my fair share of bad neighbors so I know how you feel. Yum on your dinner, I’ve made something very similar to that before :)

    Yay on the rain Joce (wait maybe, you needed it right?)!

    Bren I think I do remember you mentioning something about the construction workers parking wherever they feel like. It’s such a shame :-(

    Well we were supposed to have the second half of the tournament today but it has been pouring down, so it got canceled. I’m a little relieved as I woke up still pooped and not well rested from the hot, torcherous day before. I’m getting old lol. So I made plans for my Dad to come and visit, not knowing that Michael made plans to go eat brunch with his Dad! SO I stayed here with Caiden and my Dad brought us lunch and Michael and Bri went to eat Brunch with his Dad. Also since we promised Briauna the first free weekend day we had we would take her to get 2 more rats, Michael ended up taking her to a shelter that has them that is about an hour away and that is where they are at right now! Michael has sent me a pic. Of her with the cutest little white rat with a blackish color head. Haven’t gotten an update of who the second little rat is :) It will take a while to get them all together into one cage, about a month. It’s a very slow process, but we gotta do it.

    Really want to make this for dinner because I have some cherries to use up
    But it doesn’t look like the rain is going to let up at all. So I may still make it, just in the oven or in a frying pan. Hope everyone is having a great day!!
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Ignorant or inconsiderate neighbors are one reason we will not move into town. Aargh! Our nearest is half mile down the road. A retired couple, no kids. Yippee!

    We did not get rain and none is forecast until Tuesday or Thursday. It all goes South.

    Good luck picking a nice rat Michelle. I had pet mice as a kid, they were really cute. I think I mentioned that one rode around in my pocket. Fritz is however incompatible with small rodents.

    Have a nice day everyone.
  • gaspesiangal 7 years ago said:
    My sentiments exactly Linda. There are rules for a reason. That stir-fry looks amazing!!
    It's been raining here all weekend Michelle but it's really needed. The rat sounds adorable. We've never had rats but we did have a series of hamsters, I loved them. What a beautiful looking dish.
    That would be a dream come true Karen. I'm getting so fed up with the inconsiderate parkers. The construction has finally ended on our street but the next round is to start, next door, in early Sept, sigh.
  • LindaLMT 7 years ago said:
    Aack! Pulled my onions out to make the dish above that I noted and they all were rotten. Moisture got to them and I just wasn't in the mood to run out to the store so I pulled out ground bison and grilled a burger instead. I'll run out to the store in the morning and make it tomorrow. Dang, I was really looking forward to having something different.

    Nice on the addition of 2 more rats Michelle and adopting them. Can't wait to hear more about them.
  • MissouriFarmWife 7 years ago said:
    Bren, there are pros and cons to living where I do. We have a generator for possible winter power outages, which have lasted up to 3 days in COLD weather. We have a wood burning stove by the fireplace, so even without electric the house is warm. The road is semi passable in icy weather and there are some who won't tolerate the distance from stores.....I like the quiet and don't care about close proximity to anything. It is s worth it when we sit in the Gazebo and sip our morning coffee, on mosquito-lacking days of course. After listening to neighbor woes and construction parking woes, I am a happy camper. But our daughter is a city slicker and likes small town life. Go figure.

    Home from church and relaxing! After feeding horses it will be time to watch closing ceremonies for the Olympics! Have a nice day!

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