Stormy Sunday

  • LindaLMT 5 years ago
    Good Morning.
    It's a stormy ugly Sunday here. It's been raining all weekend but last night the ugly part of the storm rolled in. Thankfully the rain hasn't been heavy but it's breezy and cool (76f) and all this dampness it's making my sinus and neck ache.

    Bella is coming around. It's slow but at least she isn't in crisis. She is taking some hay, water thru a syringe, and a little parsley and lettuce from me, just not a lot. It'll take a few days and I'll just have to nurse her thru this and keep her on her meds for another day or two and make sure she exercises. Health wise she is great other than he little "hunger-strike" fit for whatever bunny reason she has.
    It was a few things that brought Bella's trouble on Karen. Stress of going to vet, possible air in her tummy from being intubated for anesthesia for xrays, and a new box of hay that she is not favoring so she isn't eating well. Then one things aggravates the other.

    Since we haven't been to the gym in a few days we will go this afternoon come rain or shine. Not sure about what'll I'll be making for dinner. To be decided later.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    I'd be opting for cherry pie topping too on your cheesecake Karen. I think you will be the only one having dry weather to cook out (LOL!). I'll eat blueberries too! Congrats on catching the mouse. We don't have a basement but the garage sure could use a humidifier. I'm just afraid it'd run 24/7. Thus the reason we don't store anything that would be compromised to humidity in the garage.

    A bacon, pickle, and grilled cheese sounds great Janet. I usually put slices of bread and butter pickles in mine. The addition of bacon sounds wonderful … bacon makes everything gooooood!

    Too funny on "his and her" coffee pots Kimmer (lol!). My DH and I have very unlike taste in coffee also which is why making cold brew works out great for me. If not we would have two coffee pots too. That's sweet Kaiden called you to the rescue to save him last night. How are you making out with the rain?
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Linda! Sorry to hear your neck and sinus's are giving you grief. Poor Bella. What a shame she had such a rough time of it. And forgive me for not remembering correctly but you were going to try get her some better hay somewhere weren't you? Have a good time at the gym. The pickle bacon grilled cheese was fun to make but between the bacon and the pickles it was salty. I wouldn't make it again. Bacon belongs in Toasted Tomato sandwiches. LOL.

    I had a good night's sleep which I am pleased about. Went to bed at 11:30 and got up at 8:30. Jim's making coffee. I got an email yesterday that our coffee maker will arrive on Tuesday.

    We have reservations this morning to "Flavours of Kerala", an Indian restaurant. They are having a "Dosa Day" and Jim and I adore Dosas.

    We have a chance of a shower here this morning and then a chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. We even have a chance of another shower tomorrow. Jim and I are having people over for lunch on Wednesday. I'd really hoped to have stained that last deck and to have the grass mowed again by then but that's not going to happen since everything is so wet.

    Wishing everyone a great day.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    I can see the sandwich being too salty Janet. Bacon is also fantastic on peanut butter sandwiches! I've been making BLTs here for lunch and add a little sliced turkey for DH.
    I have 7 different types of hay here now. I have 3 big boxes of Timothy Hay from different vendors, small Orchard, Oat, and 2 mixed grasses. I ordered another big box of Timothy and a big box of Orchard and hopefully she will take to them. Once my order comes in I'm donating much of what I have to CROW, a wildlife rehabilitation center that said they would be happy to have them. There is nothing wrong with them other than the Timothys are courser than normal and Bella favors the really soft cuts. I'll keep the oat and mix grasses, they are small boxes anyhow.
    Nice getting a good night's sleep. What's that??
    Yum on going out for Indian food! At least your newly plated kitchen garden and all your other plants will enjoy the showers. I bet Tuesday won't get here quick enough for you to enjoy your new coffee pot.

    It's pouring rain here at the moment.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    I'm so excited!! 'America's Got Talent' starts a new season Tuesday. I love that show.

    Seen this and thought WOW! This would fun to make with kids …
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    I'd try a bacon and peanut butter sandwich, but not willingly. LOL. Goodness on seven types of hay Linda. Poor Bella. That's great you can donate what she doesn't care for to CROW. That kinetic sand is super cool. I copied and pasted the link just for fun. We are having Jim's cousins two girls visit at the end of June so you never know. :)

    Back from brunch. We are both SO stuffed. Jim really was tempted to order one more Egg Dosa but I said there was no way I could help him with it, so he passed and now he's very thankful he did as he would have been uncomfortable. LOLOLOL. We tried five different flavours, only one we'd had before. It was so much fun and the owner is charming.

    Was thinking of going out for a jaunt but the rain is in a holding pattern so we decided to come home and do some more gardening instead while it's nice. I took out some chicken drumsticks and will do something with them on the grill. Might make that asparagus salad again that I did the other night as well.
  • laurieg 5 years ago said:
    Hi everyone
    We use the Kureg for coffee Frank likes stronger too. We do have a cheapo mr coffee that makes a full pot as well although we never use it. Just takes up space on the counter.
    My friend brought chocolate covered bacon to one of the Girl’s Parties and it was a huge hit. Delish.
    Making a roasted chicken today. Kind of cold and overcast all day.
    Tomorrow is my wedding anniversary so we will probably go out
    Busy week. I have to work late on Tuesday. Wednesday is scholarship night for Becca and we got invites which means a scholarship fingers crossed it’s a good one 😍
    Then Thursday is the prom. Hopefully it’s warm this weekend coming so we can vacuum the pool and hang out there.
  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago said:
    Hi all.

    Glad Bella is recovering. Again they are calling for scattered storms here. Ha! They form to the East and go South and we don’t see any! It is 89 F outside with a few traitorous gray storm clouds that are heading elsewhere before dropping any rain. Ugh! Hot and humid! Love America’s Got Talent, Linda!

    What are dosas Janet? I guess I could Google it hey? We have a Keurig and a Mr Coffee. Plus a small one in the RV.

    Took GS to McDonalds after church...he was not pleased about beverage restrictions but went with chocolate milk.

    .Hi Laurie! Happy anniversary!

    Got to take a short break before tackling anything. See you later.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    The Keurigs are fun Laurie, but Jim and I both drink two cups each in the morning, (Jim 3 actually) and I'm totally against those little disposable cup things and I know you can buy a reusable cup thing to add ground coffee to, but it sounds like too much fuss. Especially if you have a bunch of people as well. That's why we want a thermal carafe as well. Just make a batch and let people help themselves. LOL @ chocolate covered bacon. That's hilarious. Yum on Roast Chicken. Have a wonderful dinner out for your Anniversary. Congrats to Becca on her scholarship. I hope she has a wonderful prom and I can't wait to see photos. It's been fun to watch your two girls grow up over the years. :)

    Hi Karen! Dosas are:
    I'm a big fan of chocolate milk and get myself a litre on occasion.

    We got a lot of stuff done outside. The chipmunks loved the chili pepper plant and were methodically stripping its leaves so I moved it out to the garden and bought a pot of coriander to put in the clay strawberry pot in the herb garden instead along with a pot of chives.

    Did a bunch of weeding and moved some perennials from the front rock garden as we are going to totally redo it. It got majorally overtaken by weeds.

    Jim's got the drumsticks on the BBQ. I made another asparagus salad and popped a potato in the oven.
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Good evening and hello to all. Sounds like you and Jim were pretty productive today Janet. Glad Bella is doing a bit better Linda. Well our storm turned out to be a nothing burger, lol. We got a bit more rain today but that was it!

    Yes Janet, I have spoke before about this kid that has bullied Kaiden. He is Angie's (Kevin's mom) grandson and apparently can do no wrong when he is at her house. He is 12, Kaiden is 8. I talked with Kaid a bit last night about this situation. As I am curious, you never know what might be going on, even in the most "normal" looking families. I could tell he wanted to talk but wasn't sure about it. So I let it be. Then in the middle of our monopoly game he suddenly said, Grammie, if I tell you something will you promise not to tell my mom. Ok, what am I suppose to do with this, lol! After pondering it for a moment I told him, well yes, maybe, it depends Kaiden. If this has something to do with someone hurting you in anyway then I want you to tell me. Didn't mention not telling the mom, and it slid by him. Thank goodness since I didn't have to lie and say that I wouldn't when chances are I would have too! Well, apparently one night when Angie was watching them both the 12 year old grandson stole a cigarette from her while she was sleeping on the couch, She recently quit smoking but still did at the time. The boy told Kaiden to come to the outside porch with him, which he did. The boy lit up the cigarette and demanded that Kaiden take a puff. Kaiden said no. The boy said if you don't then I will tell my grandma that you stole it and tried to make me smoke it. Well, my precious and highly intelligent angel said, go ahead, my Mom will know better and you really think an 8 year old can make a 12 year old smoke??!! Plus he said, my Grammie will kick your ass! He admitted to me that he said the word ass and he was more worried about his mom finding out about that then the whole thing in itself, lol. Trust me, it was hard not to laugh once he said his Grammie would kick the boys ass, lol! So we ended the conversation with me thanking him for being so honest and I really didn't see any reason his mom should know. And I will not tell her. However, I told him, if this boy keeps doing these things then I need to know. I didn't say it, but I will make it known to his mother. I want him to be able to trust me and confide in me but if something serious happens, then I have to let his mom know what is going on. He doesn't want to cause possible trouble with her and Kevin as this is Kevin's mom. But Kevin is "man" enough that he would understand. He actually would be furious if he knew. So here I am with a secret. I'm thinking it's ok and just let it go. Am I wrong?? Input would be welcome here!

    Made the pork tenderloin tonight. Seared it on the grill first, then put in the oven. Had boiled potatoes and brace yourself cabbage to go with. Delightful!

    Enjoy what's left of Sunday and Sleep Truthfully Sweet always...........
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Oh my goodness Kimmer. Kaiden is the sweetest thing. I hate bullies with a passion and it just makes me ill when I hear about them. LOL @ Kaiden saying 'Ass'. LOLOLOL. It is a tough situation that you are in alright. It is super nice that Kaiden confided in you. I guess it's okay at the moment, and as you say, if anything else were to happen, then I think you should tell your daughter straight away. You don't want her to feel left out. Grrrr bullies. Yum on your pork tenderloin and the red cabbage. :)
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Yes Janet, he is the sweetest thing. After pondering on this all day and talking to hubs about it.......we have decided that he was not worried about me telling his mom about the smoking event ( he already had told the boy to go ahead and tell)........he was worried I would tell her that he said the word ass, lol! Which that secret is safe with me!

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