Sunday, November 29th

  • LindaLMT 3 years ago
    Good Morning Everyone.

    Another beautiful day here. I need to go to the grocery store today to buy fresh greens and vegetables.
    I made a repeat for dinner last night. Made stuffing stuffed chicken breast but with a different blend of vegetables. I divided up my homemade cranberry sauce and froze it for another time. I'm sugar'd out and need a break. Thanksgiving is officially over here, no more leftovers.
    Have no clue what I'll make tonight.

    How's your kitchen looking Karen? Did you get everything put away?
  • chuckieb 3 years ago said:
    Good Morning Linda! Hi Everybody! And thank you everyone for all your kind wishes and thoughts. Thanks Elle551 and Hungrynow for popping in with good wishes too. Very sweet.

    That stuffed Chicken breast recipe looks really nice Linda! Our internet here at the Rainy River house is not behaving properly this morning so it wouldn't let me 'pin' it but I did bookmark it. Nice on your new freezer. Can't beleive they didn't show up until after 10 p.m. to deliver it though! Your stuffed pork tenderloin sounded wonderful!

    It has been a bewildering and emotional few days. We arrived in Fort Frances Thursday afternoon and they allowed me in to visit Mom. I never did get to speak to the Dr. there again and Mom looked surprisingly good. I got different reports from different nurses and to be honest it just felt like one big gong show. They told me to call the next morning to see if her second Covid test results were back and when I did they said 'Yes they are and they're negative, and.....we've transferred her back to the RR Hospital 10 minutes ago'. Say Whaaaaaa? So we quickly grabbed a few groceries and headed for RR. The hospital here also allowed me in (dressed in a gown, mask and gloves) and I spoke to Mom's nurse and she basically did a huge turnaround. Her lung had collapsed and now it's re-inflated, she is no longer on oxygen, the sternum they said was broken they now say just has a crack in it and the flail chest they diagnosed her with does not seem to be hampering her the way they thought it would. And get the RR Hospital is talking about discharging her back to her apartment as of tomorrow. They've had her up walking in the hospital room with her walker and she's doing really well. It's been really crazy.

    Jim got everything here at the house back functioning, water, heat, etc. There was a tree that came down on the hydro lines over by the barn that needs tending to but thankfully it didn't break the line otherwise the house would have frozen up!

    We had initially thought we'd stay for a couple of weeks but now we're wondering if maybe we should just stay through 'til Christmas. We should social distance from Mom for another 11 or 12 days which would also allow her some time to convalesce and see how she makes out. And of course there's no saying she won't take a downward turn again too, so staying 'til the end of Dec. might just be the best thing all around. We've messaged our neighbour to make sure he's okay with looking after the house 'til then.

    We've got internet back up and a local phone. I'm excited if we do stay for the holidays. Will go cut a small tree and decorate the place the best I can with no decorations at this point. :) SO relieved things didn't go the opposite way.

    I read back. Sounds like everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. Kimmer you indeed had a FEAST! How lovely!

    Hope you enjoy your Church services today Karen and it sounds like you guys are being cautious and careful. Yum on your sausage gravy and biscuits

    Glad your Butternut squash soup turned out well Joce. Is all your snow gone? Do you have the capability of blocking people from GR? Like the stupid Anthonyvi person that is spamming?

    Gotta go rustle up some breakfast. Our friends Jim and Denise have invited us for dinner tonight and my cousin Heather and her husband Brent had us over the night before last. We stayed with my cousin Janice and her husband overnight in FF Thursday evening. People have been SO kind.

    Here's to a good day!
  • chuckieb 3 years ago said:
    Gotta also share a heart warming little story. Jim and I had set off from Ottawa Wed. morning in a bad snowstorm and the weather was pretty much nasty the entire trip, rain, snow, etc. We got to some small town one afternoon to break for lunch, can't even remember which one, and we drove up to the 'Tim Horton's', a very popular Canadian Coffee and doughnut shop. We go inside and order our take out and then come back out and the car is totally covered in road salt and slush and much. Jim gets a serviette and wets it and tries to clean off his side rear mirror as it was totally covered and a young Tim Horton's staff member sees him from inside and runs him out some more dampened paper towels to help. How Canadian is that? The world has good people in it.
  • MissouriFarmWife 3 years ago said:
    Welcome back, Janet. Hoping all goes well. Agree that, as difficult as social distancing is, it is probably best for the next few days. So nice of the employee to come out to help. Their are good people in the world, for sure!

    Linda, we have a little pork roast left over but not much else. It is 45 F and rainy at the moment. AC decided he had to go outside when we got back from church, He was in the window in his "let me inside" pose when Wayne went out and carried him inside He was not happy. Crazy cat wants out, then in, then out, then in.

    Church attendance was better, although several couples are still afraid of COVID to the point of not wanting to go anywhere. Two elderly ladies are staying home and their kids run errands for them --- guess if I were 90 yrs old I would do the same.
  • MissouriFarmWife 3 years ago said:
    Kimmer, I agree we should go private. I flagged the post, and will block him from my posts.
  • Good4U 3 years ago said:
    Welcome back, Janet! Wow! I am so glad your Mom is doing so well. She is truly amazing! I wasn't sure from your last message if you were driving or flying to get to your Mom? Once again so totally relieved she is recovering just fine. A cracked or fractured bone can sometimes be more painful than a break or so they say? Very cool on staying in RR for Christmas. Maybe you can make your own Christmas decorations? Sometimes those can be the most memorable of all. Lol, @ the Tim Horton's story is truly Canadian eh! So true though. I haven't had a chance to look around at spammers. I can block them in here and you can block or delete the person if a spam message has been left on your own main page. Enjoy your dinner out and it is so nice everyone is being so helpful there.
    Glad people at your church are erring on the side of caution.
  • Good4U 3 years ago said:
    I deleted the spam message and I also block them as well. I wish I could add more people into admin. sadly not. I was just lucky Tina added me to the admin before she passed away.
  • Good4U 3 years ago said:
    I am guessing now that I think about it. You probably know this but I guess hydro should be called about the tree on their line. Just in case.
  • Good4U 3 years ago said:
    My sleep patterns have been really weird. Up most night and sleeping most of the day. Been in sort of a head fog. We will be having baked ham and scalloped potatoes for dinner with a veggie.
  • MissouriFarmWife 3 years ago said:
    I remember Tina adding you as admin but not giving you the authority to add other admins . I guess the only ways to solve it would be to go private or to redo the group into Our Daily Dinner 2 and make it a private one, and you could appoint a couple of admins.

    I blocked the above idiot from my own pages, am getting a long line of blocked "nut cases" who want to sell spells and the like.

    Ugh on the sleep problems. I often wake up at o-dark-thirty and give up trying to sleep. Sometimes curling up in my recliner relaxes me so I can finally doze off. Lack of sleep head fog is so irritating.
  • kimmer 3 years ago said:
    Good evening and hello to all. Ah glad to hear from you. Have been so worried and was praying for the best! Sounds like our mom will be ok! I think a RR Christmas would be lovely. There with all your family. A bit different but maybe needed ??. So nice that the employee came out to help Jim! I firmly believe that here is still more good people in this world, than bad! It was a beautiful day here in sunny Florida Linda.............but cold is coming thru tomorrow. Not sure how cold you will get but they are predicting 40's for lows here for us. (ok, know Janet and Joce are laughing at us right about now, lol) But when you go from 80's and suddenly dip's freaking cold to those of us with sand in our shoes! Chloe will not be happy, lol! Speaking of Chloe, Santa came early this year for her as we bought her 3 electronic toys for her today. Two mice things that wander around the house for her to chase and a ball with a fish attached to it that wiggles as it wobbles around. She's a bit cautious but has been seen wiggling her butt and attacking them, lol! Unfortunately, they are a bit "noisy" which puts her off as she really does not like noise. But she appears to be having fun so far......She is the craziest cat I have ever had! She's more like a dog than a cat! Joce, hope one day you get your days and nights back to normal...........must be so frustrating! Karen, I can't remember when we decided to go public with this group. We were private in the beginning. I do have mixed feelings about it but since we really have no new members might be a thing to do. But if Joce doesn't have power to do that then we are stuck where we are..............and that's ok too.

    I had a ton of mashed potatoes left over..............which is unusual but I did make more than needed. So in an effort to use them up i found a recipe for potato pancakes using left over mashed potatoes. Certainly not like the ones we make fresh with shredded potatoes but was worth a shot. So made those tonight with some left over italian sausages that we had. They were ok. Some fell apart during the frying process and shoud have used more flour to help them stick together. But the flavor was nice and hubs liked so a win there! I'm just a bit more particular, lol! But def something to work on!
    Hope all Sleep always..............................
  • Good4U 3 years ago said:
    I can not make this a private group. I can only block or delete. That is all that is in my power to do. So going public in this group only or creating another group would be the only option.
    I can understand how it would be quite a shock to the system if it were 80 degrees one day and dropped to 40 degrees out, Kimmer. Your body wouldn't have much time to adjust at all. My grandmother used to make something like those potato pancakes and she used an egg, an onion, or chives and added flour as well.

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