Thursday’s Travel Time

  • MissouriFarmWife 5 years ago
    No idea if we will still go to Rolla for surgery followup. Roads are bad and schools are closed. It looks like we have two more inches of snow, haven’t been outside but it is cold! It should warm up tomorrow to about 50F. Supposed to take GS swimming but

    It is winter in the Ozarks for sure. It has been several years since we had snow and cold weather in early November. I guess the woolly worms were correct....LOL!
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Karen! No sense risking your lives going to a follow up. Sounds like you got quite the storm. Hope you can put a call in and reschedule! If the schools are closed you`d think swimming would be as well!

    We`re supposed to get a lot of snow tonight and into tomorrow morning.

    Lemon Rosemary Brined Roast Chicken
    for dinner this evening and a new potato recipe that I`m testing for Christmas. :)

    Not sure what our plans are today. Sens Hockey Game on tonight.

    Wishing everyone a great Thursday.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Good Morning Everyone.

    It's a dreary rainy day here. We haven't had a rainy day for sometime. Will stay in and get caught up with paperwork and such. No clue yet about dinner.

    I agree with Janet … if the roads are bad Karen it may be a good idea to reschedule your appointment. They too are probably wanting clients to reschedule so they can close early if they even opened.

    If you need to get out Janet better to do it today and then stay in tomorrow.

    Speaking of Caterpillars … We have the most venomous one in the United States here. It's the Puss Caterpillar. I haven't seen one yet but then again I'm not looking. It was on the news that someone in a neighboring town got spiked and had to go to the hospital. Have you seen any yet Kimmer?
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    It cleared up and it's now a beautiful sunny and breezy day with temps about 80(f).
  • Good4U 5 years ago said:
    I agree with you, Karen stay off the roads if they aren't safe. It really isn't worth risking your life over. As Janet mentioned we are supposed to get quite a bit of snow overnight and the first snow here is always the worst b/c drivers have forgotten how to drive in the snow or they get overly cautious thus causing more accidents. Stay safe and warm at home if you can.

    Your dinner sounds just great to me, Janet.

    We only have one caterpillar that causes harm, as far as I know, Linda. but Lol I don't go out of my way to touch them either:) I had heard of the ones you are talking about though. The pretty fuzzy ones are the ones to watch out for.

    I haven't heard from Marei but her house was outside Magalia nearer to Chico than Paradise and her Mom's place is/was near Chico. Not sure if her Mom's place survived either? Many people still don't know if they still have a home or not. I do know that where Marie' was one side of the road was hit and the other side was not. So tragic!

    I am not up to too much today my tennis elbow is driving me crazy along with my arthritis. Dinner could be breakfast for dinner? Not sure what to make quite yet. I bought the cutest little Rudolph the Reindeer that sings Rudolph The Reindeer yesterday. Den fell in love with him so he is staying here to have for Christmas every year. Lol now I will have to go out and see if I can find another one for Camden b/c I bought her Violet the puppy like the one Michelle had for Caiden called Scout. They are cool interactive stuffed toys but Camden already has Violet. So I am still on a mission to find something cool for her to play with or learn from. I have bought her clothes but I was hoping to find something else. I have bought the girls some makeup kits, lipgloss, and hand creams plus a special package of makeup brushes. I give them both money for their birthdays and Christmas but it is nice to have something else to open. All I need now is a couple of gift cards and other cards and I am done almost all of my Christmas shopping. HA! It feels great to have it done by the middle of November:) All I will need to do later on is to bake and decide what to do for other things. Chris was saying the girls want to go to a Disneyland resort and he wants to go the Chateau Montebello so the family can snowmobile for the Christmas holidays and I haven't heard yet what they have decided to do. I better go make some lunch.

    Wishing everyone a great day!
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    Well the sunshine didn't last long, it's clouded up and gray again with the looks of more rain on the way.
    I was looking out my office window and in the bush is a big ole snake skin! Ewww!! The bush is about 6 feet high and he crawl right up to the top and did his thing. I'll have to go out and pull it out because I really don't feel like looking at it every time I look out my window.

    Cute things you picked up Joce! and good for you being ready and finished with shopping. Beats battling frantic crowds. Perhaps the weather is causing your discomfort. I have a neckache and sinus headache today from the change here. Hope you feel better.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Well Jim and I decided to go for a little jaunt to Arnprior, about a half hour drive from our place. We popped in to an Art Gallery and a couple cute little shops. I grabbed a few groceries and also visited a TSC (Tractor Supply Company) store which neither of us had ever been in. It was kind of fun to poke about. They had a great section of bird seed and feeders. I found these really neat little suet nuggets. They look like small pellets but they`re made of suet. I bought the peanut flavoured ones. :) I think the birds and maybe the squirrels will like them a lot.

    Went for lunch to the Antrim Truck Stop, another first for us. They have their own Bakery in there too and I bought a neat shaped loaf of Raisin bread. I had Fish n` Chips and Jim had a toasted Western. Good prices and the service was great but I wouldn`t order the Fish again. I think it was pre-frozen not made from fresh. Jim enjoyed his sandwich though and the menu was huge, so I`d go back and just try something else next time.

    Yikes on the Puss Caterpillar Linda. Even the name is gross. I think the snake skin sounds kind of cool but only because I`ve never seen one. :) Sorry to hear your neck and sinuses are bothering you.

    Sorry to hear your elbow and your arthritis are giving you grief Joce. :( Cute on the reindeer! LOL that Den loves it so now you have to go find something else for Camden. :) Go you on almost having your Christmas shopping done. I`m in pretty good stead too now I think about it since I already mailed off Christmas parcels to Benjamin and to Jim`s sister. I still need a few things for my Mom`s parcel and I also want to get a few treats to package up for my Aunt Irene and I can mail them inside Mom`s box. Jim is going to be the hardest this year. :( Jim`s cousin and family are in New Zealand at the moment. They first flew to Hong Kong for a week to visit her family and while there they actually went to a Disney resort. I didn`t even know there were any there? And personally, if it were me, I`d be going to see things I couldn`t see anywhere else, and only in China, I wouldn`t be going to Disney. But....they are big Disney fans and have been to a few in the States. Their girls are 10 and 12 so I`m sure they enjoyed it. I love Chateau Montebello. It`d be magical at Christmas time.

    Had a huge flock of turkeys in the yard this morning and in fact they woke me up! There were over 24 of them! I`m trying not to put any seed down when they are around as I really don`t want to feed them all winter long.
  • kimmer 5 years ago said:
    Good afternoon and hello to all. Our weather was pretty much like yours Linda. Gray and rainy most of the day. And too, the sun came out just for a bit. But we didn't make it to 80F. As a matter of fact as the day wore on it got cooler and cooler. Suppose to be in the 40's tonight! Chloe will not be pleased come tomorrow morning for her perimeter checks of the porch and poolside, lol! Good going on Christmas almost being done Joce. I yet! But I do have Karli pretty much taken care of. Need to concentrate on Michael as I will have to mail his. :( Still haven't even wrapped my head around the fact that next week is Thanksgiving!

    I haven't seen one of those caterpillars Linda but heard about them on the news. We had that one poofy looking one on the pool deck awhile back that I think may have made Chloe sick. But it didn't look the same as the Puss ones. Will keep a sharp eye out though because of Chloe. Little critters tend to get in under our screen doors.

    Making some chicken breasts in some sort of cream sauce (not sure what kind yet) with some angel hair pasta. Maybe some garlic toast on the side. Had salad last night so not feeling another one tonight.

    Hope all stay warm and enjoy the evening.
  • LindaLMT 5 years ago said:
    The temp here has already drop to 74(f). Making pan seared pork chops, gravy, baked sweet potato, and a vegetable melody of carrot, peas, and zucchini. Will check back in later.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Your dinner sounds yummy Kimmer.

    As do your Pork chops and gravy Linda! :)

    Jim has lit us a fire but it`s pretty chilly at the moment. I`ve assembled my little Christmas tree potatoes. If they taste nice it`ll be fun. :) Jim`s got the chicken going on the rotisserie.
  • laurieg 5 years ago said:
    Hi everyone.
    Becca update the school NP emailed her Thyroid results. Her TSH level is .009. Normal is between .450 and 4.5. So Friday after thanksgiving we are driving into Boston to see endocrinologist. It’s the same one she saw last time but because it’s a see as soon as possible we have to go to Boston.

    I saw the coolest story on Chronicle last night it was Japan and this little boy was a tour guide at these gardens and he spoke perfect English. No accent or anything. He wore a vest that said speak to me in English so I can practice. So cute. But he learned using a Disney interactive toy starting when he was two.
    I haven’t even started Christmas shopping. Rachel isn’t getting much since we paid a lot for her Hawaii trip.

    A local feel good story. Here in Wilmington we have a Wilmington town Facebook page and there is a woman who is selfless. She is always collecting diapers and stuff for a women’s shelter. She put a notice up that she put together an Amazon wish list so people could get toys for the kids at the shelter. The list was huge. I bought two baby dolls to donate. She posted last night to the page that Tremmezzo (the local restaurant we hang out at) bought every toy on the list!

    We are getting snow here lol we never even raked the leaves yet. I have to drive up to Amherst to pick up Becca tomorrow. I’m taking a half day at work.
  • chuckieb 5 years ago said:
    Sending my best wishes that all goes well for Becca Laurie. Keep us tuned and I hope it`s a fairly easy fix. That is so awesome about the woman and the wish list and the restaurant picking up the tab for everything. Very heartwarming and a good story leading up to Christmas. :) Is Becca off now for Thanksgiving break or just coming home for the weekend? When is American Thanksgiving?
  • hungrynow 5 years ago said:
    California Time --- Please continue to send prayers for Marie and others ...
  • laurieg 5 years ago said:
    Becca is home for Thanksgiving. American thanksgiving is Thursday. Rachel will be home Tuesday

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